Relax | Nadia Batson | Trinidad & Tobago 2018

Nadia Batson has released a song entitled 'Relax' for Trinidad and Tobago 2018. This is a production of Kes Keyz & Martian Music. This song is gathering a sound following. Nadia's fans are very happy with this music release!

There is one thing we noted that is of concern or it could be 'much ado about nothing'. We looked at the production notes but did not see any notes regarding the sampling of another artistes song. Relax at a certain point sounds like it was sampled from Omi's Hoola Hoop (go to 0:44 of the track and listen)!

Apart from our comment above, we have to say that we do like "Relax". We are confident that you will love the song. Enjoy good Vibez!

We encourage you to support the artist and the production team. We want you to spread the word about the song and share this post with your peers.

Please keep in mind that the success of this song depends on your support. Spread the word, tell your friends about the song! Now it is up to you to ensure that this song rides the airwaves. Please call your favorite radio jocks and request the song. We invite you to share your thoughts about the song and music production.

Use the comment feature of this post to share your thoughts about the song here with your peers. All comments will be posted,  Please don't forget to visit us on our new 'Facebook Fan Page'. Use the search term @sokah2soca. Enjoy!

Production Notes/Music Credits:
Song Title: Relax
Performed by: Nadia Batson
Written by: Nadia Batson, Keston Patrick & Erikkson George
Produced by: Kes Keyz & Martian Music
Mastered by: NMG Music
Sass Nation Records
Fox Fuse

Video Credits
Directed, Shot & Edited by: Project Blue Book
Special Thank You To: Yuma, David Dewer & Sancho Francisco

Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in circle).

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