Wow, this is the talent of Erphaan Alves on display for all Soca loving nations to take notice. This one is sweet! Erphaan is very relaxed and the sweetness of his singing style simply makes you take notice.
His vocal performance simply skims on the musical vibe riding the musical waves with such ease. This is one from the #NoSeasons Project and it is an excellent song.
Now it is up to you to ensure that this song receives the airplay it deserves. Don't leave it up to some of those selfish DJ's on the airwaves. Call in to the radio stations and ask/demand the song.
If you love the song and you support this artist then please use the comment feature of this posting to share your thoughts (about the song) here with us. All comments will be posted.
Published YouTube Notes:
Every morning you have two choices. Continue to sleep or wake up and chase your dreams.- Anon.
"Morning Come", the fourth installment from Erphaan Alves' #NoSeasons Project, takes you on a melodious musical journey with the drEAm tEAm.
Inspired by his goal to PushDeSocaGlobal, Alves enlists the help of his team to create a vibe, making us drift... making us feel alive.
Be engulfed by the spirit and energy of Soca music with the captivating drums of a rhythm section or (of whoever rhythm section do it)
The Rhythm. The vibration. The soul of Trinidad and Tobago. Leh we (Let us) do it till morning come! #noSeasons
His vocal performance simply skims on the musical vibe riding the musical waves with such ease. This is one from the #NoSeasons Project and it is an excellent song.
Now it is up to you to ensure that this song receives the airplay it deserves. Don't leave it up to some of those selfish DJ's on the airwaves. Call in to the radio stations and ask/demand the song.
If you love the song and you support this artist then please use the comment feature of this posting to share your thoughts (about the song) here with us. All comments will be posted.
Published YouTube Notes:
Every morning you have two choices. Continue to sleep or wake up and chase your dreams.- Anon.
"Morning Come", the fourth installment from Erphaan Alves' #NoSeasons Project, takes you on a melodious musical journey with the drEAm tEAm.
Inspired by his goal to PushDeSocaGlobal, Alves enlists the help of his team to create a vibe, making us drift... making us feel alive.
Be engulfed by the spirit and energy of Soca music with the captivating drums of a rhythm section or (of whoever rhythm section do it)
The Rhythm. The vibration. The soul of Trinidad and Tobago. Leh we (Let us) do it till morning come! #noSeasons
Production Notes/Music Credits:
Song Title: Morning Come
Performed by: EA (Erphaan Alves)
Written by: Erphaan Alves
Produced by: Nutation Records
Mastered by: Precision Production
Video Directed & Edited by: @siriandavis_ @kingstudiostt
Erphaan Alves Social Media:
Performed by: EA (Erphaan Alves)
Written by: Erphaan Alves
Produced by: Nutation Records
Mastered by: Precision Production
Video Directed & Edited by: @siriandavis_ @kingstudiostt
Erphaan Alves Social Media:
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! . We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in circle).