Fire and Ice | Tigress | Trinidad & Tobago 2016

Kaiso kaiso that is the refrain when a song resonates positively with the listening audience; that is the case with this one entitled "Fire and Ice" from Joanne "Tigress" Rowley! This song stands on its own and does not need any promotion to be successful... it is that good! However, we will add our 'two cents' just for the hell of it!

This composition, written by Andre Jeffers and competently vocalized by stalwart songstress 'Tigress', is long overdue. It is a composition and delivery that states: "take that in allyuh pwefen". 'Fire and Ice' is the type of song that will have Trinis (livin' in foreign) chipping in offices across the United States and Europe... boom take that Mr. Desmond; this song is dedicated to you(teaser)! 

A little Picong is a good thing:
This is a defining moment for those who look at 'foreign Trinis' with disdain. Having said that, I can't help but rub a little salt in a recurring wound. A little picong is now directed towards Wack Radio presenter Mr. Desmond; hold on and allow him one last long steups. Now he needs to only look across the control board (WACK Radio) to Mr. Kenny Phillips (Song Producer) and say to him: "Chune Boss"!

On a serious note we have to ask ourselves how did we come to this place when Trinis at home use such disturbing terms to address Trinis who now live abroad (in foreign as they say). We need to learn to embrace our differences and learn from each other. One fantastic thing to note about Trinis 'living in foreign' is that they have a greater appreciation for the culture of Trinidad and Tobago. Their desire to consume everything Trini is a benefit for the country (financially) and the people (greater understanding of the culture). It is a win, win situation; all of which were addressed in 'Fire and Ice'.

Tigress, as usual, you have done a marvelous 'job'. This is not just a very good Calypso but a damn good 'Kaiso' cleverly written with searing commentary that was long overdue.  Well done!

Production Notes/Music Credits:
Song Title: Fire and Ice
Performed by: Joanne "Tigress" Rowley
Written by Andre Jeffers
Produced by: KMP Music Labs

Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! .  We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in circle).

Finally we have it and without delay let's do it all over again! This is the YouTube Lyric video presentation of Fire and Ice... so what yuh waiting for?  Play the song again and pump up the volume!

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