Winston "Gypsy" Peters, ex-UNC die-hard member, ex-government minister and now a bona-fide jilted lover of the PP Government is on a political tear! The jilted representative of Mayaro is hurt, angry and continues to vent his feelings for the World to hear. He 'let it off his chest' on Talk City Radio yesterday but he took time out to record a song to let the World know that he believes the current Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago is "Neemakharam" (ungratefulness). This song can be heard on WACK radio (they simply love the song for obvious reasons) or accessed on the Internet via the Google YouTube player.
Gypsy is upset, who wouldn't be? He was was rejected by the party and was unceremoniously dumped. What should have happened did not take place and he is now lashing out with mapepire snake venom. He may or may not impact the outcome of the Mayaro election results... that will soon come to pass. I do believe, that the Prime Minister should have met with her then very faithful 'partner in crime' (recall the Basdeo Panday removal debacle) and let him know that the party was moving in a different direction (away from Mr. Peters). However, I guess the Prime Minister did not want to deal with the expected tantrum of her 'once upon a time' faithful servant!
There is a lesson to be learned here.... there are no friends in politics! Gypsy should just move on; in other words, cut your loses and move on. Now he knows how Basdeo Panday felt when they removed him as leader of the UNC! This lashing out will not help his cause. It may help boost his ego but in the eyes of the public he is simply behaving like a spoil child who did not have it 'his way'. Basdeo Panday had to deal with it and many members of the PNM had to deal with similar situations. The bitterness Gypsy is experiencing now will go away as soon as the election results come in or it may fester like a sore. Until he can wrest his soul from this tabanca we will enjoy the talents of this very well known ex-parliamentarian who is a very experienced entertainer, Mr. Winston "Gypsy" Peters. Out of this bacchanal comes new music (see something good came from all of this kankalang). We have a new song for Carnival 2016 and it is a stinging Chutney rendition from Mr. Peters.
Here is is song that he hopes will help dismantle the PP Coalition and literally put the Raging Bull in office as the next Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. The song is entitled 'Kamla'; it was produced by Winston 'Gypsy' Peters and recorded at 'Hott Music' studios.
Gypsy is upset, who wouldn't be? He was was rejected by the party and was unceremoniously dumped. What should have happened did not take place and he is now lashing out with mapepire snake venom. He may or may not impact the outcome of the Mayaro election results... that will soon come to pass. I do believe, that the Prime Minister should have met with her then very faithful 'partner in crime' (recall the Basdeo Panday removal debacle) and let him know that the party was moving in a different direction (away from Mr. Peters). However, I guess the Prime Minister did not want to deal with the expected tantrum of her 'once upon a time' faithful servant!
There is a lesson to be learned here.... there are no friends in politics! Gypsy should just move on; in other words, cut your loses and move on. Now he knows how Basdeo Panday felt when they removed him as leader of the UNC! This lashing out will not help his cause. It may help boost his ego but in the eyes of the public he is simply behaving like a spoil child who did not have it 'his way'. Basdeo Panday had to deal with it and many members of the PNM had to deal with similar situations. The bitterness Gypsy is experiencing now will go away as soon as the election results come in or it may fester like a sore. Until he can wrest his soul from this tabanca we will enjoy the talents of this very well known ex-parliamentarian who is a very experienced entertainer, Mr. Winston "Gypsy" Peters. Out of this bacchanal comes new music (see something good came from all of this kankalang). We have a new song for Carnival 2016 and it is a stinging Chutney rendition from Mr. Peters.
Here is is song that he hopes will help dismantle the PP Coalition and literally put the Raging Bull in office as the next Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. The song is entitled 'Kamla'; it was produced by Winston 'Gypsy' Peters and recorded at 'Hott Music' studios.
Production Notes/Music Credits:
Song Title: Kamla Neemakharam
Performed by: Winston "Gypsy" Peters
Written by: Gypsy
Produced by: Winston "Gypsy" Peters
Recorded at: Hott Music
Performed by: Winston "Gypsy" Peters
Written by: Gypsy
Produced by: Winston "Gypsy" Peters
Recorded at: Hott Music
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! . We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in circle).