Bend Over | Machel Montano feat. Lady Gaga | TriniLion

It is never too late to 'wheel that song and come again' especially when it is a Machel Montano song! Bend Over is the name of the track and the remix was done by none other than Trinidad native and now Brooklyn resident SoundLion!

Most of you may know him as TriniLion but as far as Trinizagada is concerned he is simply a friend of this blog and his music mixes can always be heard here. Take a listen as Machel Montano sings one of his sweeter Carnival jams (Bend Over) remixed by TriniLion with the voice of Lady Gaga singing "Just Dance".

The mix was done 'just right' as we love to say in Trinidad and Tobago. This is music reborn and should stimulate your senses to just 'free up' and have a wonderful time. Now turn up the volume and enjoy the voices of Machel Montano and Lady Gaga with SoundLion at the controls!

Production Notes:
Title: Bend Over
Artists/Performed by: Machel Montano feat. mixed in vocals of Lady Gaga
Produced By:
Mixed & Mastered By:
Remixed by: SoundLion aka TriniLion

Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! .  We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
Please press the play button (below) to listen (small triangle in circle).
Bend Over Remix - Machel Montano feat. Lady Gaga in the Mix

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