The next two West Indian style carnivals for the Caribbean region will take place in Guyana and Jamaica respectively. Guyana's 'Mashramani' takes place on February 22, 2013; Jamaica's 'Bacchanal Jamaica' starts on February 15, 2013 with shows/events taking place until April 7, 2013.
Guyana: Mashramani
The Guyana festival will be next in line and will be celebrated on February 22, 2013. This festival is similar, in style, to other West Indian carnival that take place in Trinidad, Grenada, St. Vincent and Barbados. It is described as "a spectacular party that celebrated Guyana becoming a republic on 23 February, 1970" on Frommer's webpage. As a result, expect to see carnival bands of various themes and costumes as well as Calypso and Soca music.
This festival, named Mashramani (Amerindian word meaning 'co-operative'), is not well know as the other festivals in the Caribbean region but has the same theme as the others. Masqueraders take to the streets and celebrate with music as the bands parade and display their costumes on the streets. If you are still in need of your carnival and always wanted to visit Guyana then this a good opportunity to take in both.
Jamaica: Bacchanal Jamaica
Jamaica is better known for its reggae music and reggae music festivals but their Carnival is fast becoming a destination for many Carnival lovers. The theme of the festivities for 2013 is titled 'Le Masquerade'. Many of the Caribbean Soca artists go to Jamaica to perform in various shows for the festival known as Bacchanal Jamaica.
This festival's scheduled opening date is February 15, 2013 with shows scheduled to follow on February 18 (Socacise Opening), March 30 (Bacchanal Beach J'Ouvert), April 5th. (Bacchanal J'Ouvert) and April 7th (Road March). Of course there will be many fetes that would be scheduled for this festival. If you plan to attend then check the travel agencies for the scheduled events.
I will have to call my friend Gail and get further details because I am sure she will be in Jamaica with her family for this festival. Gailos give be a call! Visit Bacchanal Jamaica at the following link: Bacchanal Jamaica.