We all knew that Carnival 2013 was a short season with such an early February date but damn you really mean to say the carnival is over? Indeed it is, and when the Band of the year and road march winners are announced tomorrow that will be it for the competition aspect of the street festival we all love so much. This year we saw some changes to the format and a rescheduling of competition events. These events we all look forward to seeing but after it is all said and done everyone wants to get rid of them for something else... the big question is...What is the something else?
There are many people who want to get rid of the competitions that drive the carnival. Just imagine that next year for carnival 2014 you will not have the privilege to witness any Panorama, Calypso, Soca, Kings and Queens of Bands, Band of the year or Road March competitions! OK, you may be saying that is a bit too much to swallow, so let's give the people what they want... no Calypso, Soca or Panorama competitions! Some keep saying that the various competitions are keeping back the culture from developing properly and by getting rid of the competitions there won't be this crabs in the barrel mentality. Do you think that this will work? What will replace these events and what will be the driving force that will compel people to attend the replacement events? This is where you come in... post your comments.
Personally, I love the competition aspect of carnival. I don't think that the competition is the problem but the format used to run the competition may be the problem. How are points awarded and are the people judging these competitions qualified to be judges? How do we know that the right people are in place to judge these competitions? I would like the judging panel to enter their scores electronically into a computer system that will print out the results at the end of the show... up to that point not even the judging panel would know who won unless, of course, the competition is rigged!
One competition that is suspect is the International Soca Monarch Competition. Now I supported Machel Montano to win both competition before the show started; but I have to admit, in my heart of hearts, he was beaten in both competitions. I don't understand why these singers shout so much during their performances. I am also wondering why they are allowed to use recorded tracks (during their performances) when a live band is available. The recorded tracks will mask the flaws of these artists performing live - that should be stopped! Super Blue came on for the Power Soca competition and he tore up the place - it was an amazing sight to behold. The results said that Machel and Super Blue tied - something is suspect with that result! There is no transparency and Government money (tax payers dollars) is at stake - there should be better accountability especially when the results look rigged.
The beloved Panorama Competition comes down to a few well known bands. The big name bands and or the big name arrangers. Your guess is as good as mine but I can assure you that a big name band with a big name arranger will win the competition. It has been some time that an underdog surprised everyone and won this competition. Then again how is it that the Soca Monarch and Calypso Monarch each get $1M for first place and an entire steel band only receives $1M prize money? The arranger has to be well paid so what is left after the expenses to acquire new pans and pay tuners etc? What is left to share? OK, I hear you no competition will negate this but then where will the drive to finance these efforts come from and what will be the purpose of preparing for carnival when masqueraders want to play themselves behind a 40 FT truck? This is where you come in with your comments!
Every year we have the same Kankalang and, as they say, Carnival is bacchanal but do we have to experience déjà vu year after year? This year the streaming of the carnival was hit and miss and you were lucky if you were able to see some of the shows, especially the parade of the bands... yes there were a few band-aid fixes but that will not do! Every year they talk about bringing the stakeholders together to ensure that events flow smoothly and that everyone is on the same page... that surely was not the case for Carnival 2013! So who is to blame? I blame the Ministry responsible for the Arts & Culture, I blame Minister Dr. Lincoln Douglas! Where was the planning and the bringing together of all the stakeholders to get it right?
What is the use of having technocrats? Every year people complain about the same things, they know the problems. There are people who know culture and come up with plans to shape the direction of cultural events (I hope). We demand to have a blue print in place by August with viable plans (changes can be made along the way),goals, and strategies to be use to have one of the best carnivals ever. This year they made changes and I am sure that there would be improvements made based on what took place this year. Publish those plans changes and let the public respond then tweak it to make it truly the people's festival. There are enough tired souls out there tonight and there will be a time and place to discuss what was right and what need to be fixed - Let's get it right next year!
Carnival Come and Carnival Gone Jus' So but now is the time to head to the beaches and lime in style - just chill out until it is time to fete again! Let us now listen to the great one pay farewell to King Carnival until next year for Trinidad and Tobago.
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). Lend me your ears... Enjoy!
♫ Please press the play button to listen (small triangle below).
The Carnival is Over - Lord Kitchener
And tighten up that Dimanche Gras show. should be 2 hours - tops. Maybe 3 since is carnival.