Maljo or Mal Yeaux and Jharay or Jaray | Yuh is ah Trini!

Triniglish | Trinididioms spoken and explained #103 - Maljo/Jharay; Yuh Iz Ah Trini series.
This has gone on too long, and the child isn't improving. Leah's parents are at their wits' end. Baby Girl has been sick for one week; she is not eating much and vomits whenever she manages to take a mouthful or two. What is wrong? The doctors don't know what is taking place, and the problem still exists. Hello people, we can fix this! The message is clear: "Jharay de Chile has received the 'evil eye' because of her sheer cuteness!" So, who would do such a thing to a young child? Maljo is the ailment, and the remedy involves purging it with jaray ceremony. Next, inflict punishment on the person who has the evil eye!

Well, listen up... Anyone, even your next-door neighbor, can cast Mal Yeaux (pronounced Maljo in Trinbago), also known as 'the evil eye' or 'evil eye'! Ask any Trinidadian. Maljo can be blamed for any type of pain or discomfort. Maljo is thought to only affect babies in the traditional sense. If you assume that, then you are completely wrong. 

Think back to a time when you were a child growing up in Trinidad. Think really hard, because I will refer to something you have seen, forgotten, or never really thought about. Can you recall seeing blue bottles lining your neighbor's fence? They strategically placed some of the blue bottles, such as the milk of magnesia bottles, in the four corners of the lot or, as I have observed, lined the lot's boundaries. Now, why would someone go to all this trouble? Do you think it was a way to decorate, be unique, or just another way to use bottles? No, no, no, these bottles were placed there to ward off evil spirits and people who carried malicious spirits looking for an unsuspecting host—yes, the adults believed they too could become victims of Maljo! For reasons beyond my understanding, people believed that blue bottles could repel evil spirits, a feat they could also personally achieve by donning Jumbie beads. Of course, you remember Jumbie Beads; can you recall? Children played with these red and black beads from a pod, laced into bracelets to ward off evil.

OK, so what happens if you fail to take the necessary precautions and, for some reason, get the "bad eye," "mal yeaux hex," and your spirit becomes very troubled, leaving you restless and very ill? As a child growing up in Trinidad, I saw a ceremony performed to get rid of this 'spirit sickness'. The village's most skilled and experienced residents conducted a formal ceremony to resolve this issue. Typically, it was part of an East Indian ritual. The ritual known as "Jharay" served as a means to rid oneself of evil, involving deep cleaning and exorcising demons.

Now how is "Jharay done?" I had to consult with a few individuals to put this together. Each person said something different, but some commonalities stood out. The number five (5) figured prominently. We used materials and sayings in groups of five. The healing prayer suppresses the evil eye spell, compels it to depart from the individual, and incorporates it into a packet of ingredients, which either burns to eliminate the evil or returns it to its source. This ceremony, as I can recall, was mostly to purge evil from children. Trinidadians, on the other hand, use the Jharay to eradicate evil and sickness. However, we will remove the 'evil eye' that causes a child's soul to suffer!

As previously stated, an elderly East Indian woman, priest, or someone who has performed the jharay ceremony over the years (often an older, experienced nana or nani) usually does it. I read about the ceremony's use of peacock feathers. However, I can't remember seeing any feathers displayed or worn in my neighborhood. The ceremony utilizes five cocoyea leaves, which come from the branches of coconut trees. We separate the green leaf from the stalk, which serves a purpose in the ritual. The same stalk serves as the basis for making cocoyea brooms. Almost every traditional Trinidadian home uses these brooms not only to sweep the house or yard but also to ward off evil spirits, a practice common to all residents of Trinidad, not just East Indians. Once you obtain the cocoyea stalks, you'll need the following additional ingredients: Add five bird peppers (pronounced bud peppers), five cloves of garlic, a pinch of salt, and, in some cases, black pepper seeds—everything in multiples of five. Wrap the smaller ingredients in paper or cloth and pass them over the child five times in a circular motion. The same is done with cocoyea sticks. Saying the prayer during the jharay is crucial to the ceremony. The ceremony also involves five repetitions of the prayer. Traditionally, people say the prayer in Hindi, but in reality, they say it in English. The priest, or priestess, simply tells the evil spirit to return to the sender. Following this, the priest or priestess burns the ingredients used in the jharay ritual. We perform this part of the ceremony—the burning—as a last attempt to break the evil spell, but we must proceed with caution at this stage. It's important to avoid looking at the burning ingredients. In the Bible, during Lot's wife's flight from Sodom, she defied the angels' guidance and turned into a pillar of salt. Similarly, when the cocoyea sticks and other ingredients for the jharay are ready and ignited, it's crucial to avoid looking in that direction, as it could attract an evil spirit to your soul.

This concludes the Mal Yeaux and Jharay story. However, I cannot confirm the existence of Mal Yeaux (Maljo) or the effectiveness of the ritual of purging the evil eye (Jharay). In order for the Jharay to work, one has to believe Mal Yeaux (Maljo) is real. All I can say is that I witnessed the completion of the Jharay and heard the announcement that the child possessed Mal Yeaux (Maljo). This belief exists not only in Trinidad, but on various islands and countries throughout the Americas and India. South America's Spanish lands have similar beliefs; we are not alone. Just keep in mind that if modern medicine fails to identify the cause of your illness, it might be the result of a hex from someone with a "bad eye" or Mal Yeaux. Remember the cure, Jharay (Jaray)! 

After discovering what's wrong with Leah, her parents are still confused and can't decide what to do. They live in New York City rather than the Caribbean, where ingredients are readily available. I am leaving the comment section open for anyone to provide advice! 

We conclude the post with two songs for your enjoyment. However, for those intrigued by the process of removing the evil eye, we added another video that would be of interest to those interested in the actual process.

Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended!  We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in circle).
Music Video - Jaray the Remix featuring Aw Lyrical x Ki x Adrian Dutchin

13 تعليقات

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‏قال غير معرف…
THanks for the explanation. Growing up in an Indian household in Trinidad I have had this done for me many times but there is a shortcut easy way as well, which is to simply take some salt in your hand and circle the person/child five times while saying your prayer, then immediately go and wash the salt away. The whole time you must not talk, aside from the prayer or even say out loud that you are going to Jahray the person, you just do it. I suppose so the spirits are not warned and don't hold on tighter or something. I am sure the other way or probably better but this can be used when it is late at night and you can't find all those ingredients, maybe upset, colicky baby or something...
‏قال غير معرف…
أزال أحد مشرفي المدونة هذا التعليق.
‏قال غير معرف…
All this seme deme just call on the name of Jesus Christ who is mighty to save
‏قال غير معرف…
Jesus Christ is all well and good pray to him to heal you and I am 100% sure it will work because you believe it will
The same with the Jaray prayer people,believe it will work and said it did all because of believing it will and it 100% did for,them so let's not discount others and their belief
‏قال غير معرف…
Who can do this ??Can a parent who has never done anything like this do it??
‏قال Unknown
What is the best prayer to say while doin this
‏قال Unknown
I did this for my nephew this morning i used garlic skin onion skin a pinch of salt a pinch of flour and seven pieces pepper u used it if u have no bud peppers.
‏قال Unknown
Wat is put into a blue bag
‏قال Unknown
Hi what pray to say
‏قال Unknown
How should the circular motion be done, clockwise or anticlockwise?
‏قال Unknown
My wife did this this morning for my daughter..but 7 bud pepper was used ..garlic skin...onion skin..salt facing east then burn
‏قال Intooit
I could relate to this article tremendously. My name is Leah just like the little girl spoken about and I did contract Maljo as a kid just like her. My mom took me to a East Indian woman and she did something like a prayer/ceremony to me and I was immediately cured. I never knew what she did but all I remembered as a kid 6years old that I felt better after it. I still talk about that experience to this day but never could find anyone who had the same experience. I'm glad I found this article because while reading it I immediately started remembering some of the details that corresponded to the stuff in the article.