
I am inviting everyone visiting this blog to take a look at a blog that was neglected for some time but has been renewed and redesigned on the Typepad platform. Welcome back to Santiwah. Trinizagada came out of Santiwah and a lot of the articles there were moved to this blog with the intention of shutting down Santiwah. I have  had a change of heart and have decided to post to Santiwah once again. Here are some of the additions to the blog. 

So why should you visit Santiwah?  Ok well I have added CTNTWORLD so that you can watch the news in the morning and evening. A lot of the shows you will be familiar with from the American television market but you should be interested in the new especially in this election climate. 

Radio Station (Streaming Audio):
I have posted radio players for some of the stations streaming content on the Internet. My personal favorite is WACK Radio 901FM because they are total local. I am sure you will find something of interest to listen.

Shout Box:
I have included the WACK Radio Shoutbox because it already has a group of people chatting there. Just say hello and join the conversation. I could have placed a new generic box but I know most of the people chatting  in that box and they funny as hell.

Yes videos from YouTube. We are talking about Calypso and Soca videos for your entertainment. If you see a video somewhere and think it should be posted on the site then just leave a comment and I will try and get it done. 

So go ahead and link to Santiwah. Yes some of the content will  be the same but a lot will be different. Now don't hesitate to leave a comment about anything that is of interest to you... I am very accommodating. All of these features can be accessed from the menu/navigation bar at the top of the webpage. 

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