Please take note, your cote ci cote la and wack radio shout boxes and now available at this link:
This is a message for those who used the Chatango service that was previously installed on the side bar of this blog. As you have noticed, I have removed the chat service. This action was taken because the same service is now available at the WACK Radio home page. When they installed Chatango I realized that the service that was provided on this site would become unnecessary. This hit home hard and quickly. This Saturday someone left a 'nasty' message in the chat box celebrating the fact that I left a note stating that I intended to end the chat service on my site. That was unnecessary. This site has good intentions and I intend to move forward with the same goals in mind. I have not gone away from Chatango totally. I have installed Chatango mini in the side bar and it was done so that persons wishing to leave a message will be able to do so. It is the same service and when the Parang starts (referring to the pops when a post is made) I will know that someone is chatting with me. I hope that everyone understands. Everything changes and sometimes change is forced on us. As someone said recently we need to adjust to the circumstances we encounter from day to day. So now that this lemon day has come my way, I have chosen not to complain too much but to go ahead and make lemonade.
This is a message for those who used the Chatango service that was previously installed on the side bar of this blog. As you have noticed, I have removed the chat service. This action was taken because the same service is now available at the WACK Radio home page. When they installed Chatango I realized that the service that was provided on this site would become unnecessary. This hit home hard and quickly. This Saturday someone left a 'nasty' message in the chat box celebrating the fact that I left a note stating that I intended to end the chat service on my site. That was unnecessary. This site has good intentions and I intend to move forward with the same goals in mind. I have not gone away from Chatango totally. I have installed Chatango mini in the side bar and it was done so that persons wishing to leave a message will be able to do so. It is the same service and when the Parang starts (referring to the pops when a post is made) I will know that someone is chatting with me. I hope that everyone understands. Everything changes and sometimes change is forced on us. As someone said recently we need to adjust to the circumstances we encounter from day to day. So now that this lemon day has come my way, I have chosen not to complain too much but to go ahead and make lemonade.