No copyright infringement intended, the original photo was adjusted for this blogpost
The more you want, the more you wish for will be delivered here on Sokah2Soca. This one dropped quietly from Precision Productions out of San Fernando, Trinidad. We think you are going to be pleased with the vibe and the singers on the riddim. We are especially pleased that the best song comes from Melly Rose. She is a consistent and unheralded female vocalist out of Trinidad and Tobago. We like what we are hearing so far and it is a good sign to see Precision Productions enter the game this early.
One song that may grab everyone's attention early is 'Horn' by Motto but we stand firm that Melly Rose's song is tops on this Riddim. It looks like 'Horn' is the topic of interest with Soca artists for this new season. There are a few new 'Horn' songs out currently. We think this is going to be a bumper season for new Soca music.
Let's take our culture places:
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Production Notes/Music Credits:
Riddim Title: Turbulence Riddim
Performed by:
Melly Rose feat. Sekon Sta - Wah Yuh Want
Dev - Slam Bam
Mical Teja - Take Front
Motto - Horn
Produced and Mixed by: Precision Productions
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! We don't own the rights to this music: and, it is presented here for promotional use only. We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't download and share the music and rob the artists of needed income! Music for sale should be purchased while music distributed for promotional purposes should be treated as such and not shared!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in the Music player/TV Frame).
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