Photo © Sanch Records Trinidad
What is Calypso? Calypso is a style of music that came out of slavery in the Caribbean and is credited to Trinidad and Tobago. Some will disagree that Calypso started in Trinidad but just about every major achievement, every major event regarding this music genre is credited to Trinidad. The fact remains that any historical record on this genre originates out of Trinidad. However, before we get into the substance of this post let's take note of some of these achievements.
Did you know the following?
- Calypsos were first sung in French Creole then a mix of Patois and English
- The Rhythm of Calypso (beat) is done in 2/4, 4/4 time (see "Meter" at this link for an explanation of Rhythm (beats in the music)
- The first-ever Calypso instrumental recording was done in 1912 by Lovey's Orchestra.
- The first-ever vocal Calypso recording was made in 1914 when the "Duke of Iron" teamed up with Jules Sims. “Iron Duke in the Land” is a calypso by Henry Julian (a.k.a. Julian Whiterose)
- The first-ever Calypso tent opened in Port-of-Spain in 1921 was the "Railway Douglas Tent".
- The first-ever female to sing in a calypso tent was "Lady Trinidad" in 1935.
- The first-ever female Calypsonian to cut a record was "Lady Trinidad" in 1937.
- The first-ever "Young Brigade Tent" opened in 1947 by 24-year-old Lord Kitchener, featuring Lord Melody, Mighty Spoiler, Mighty Viking.
That was a minor historical review of Calypso. If you want to get more information we recommend the Trinidad and Tobago government site NALIS. Having said that, you can also review our Calypso post. Link to the post here: Trinidad's Calypso Music.
Now that we have your attention, the fact that you are reading this article could be that you are just curious about this site or you want to gather information for a project. Maybe you just love the culture are want to learn as much as you can about the culture and especially Calypso, the mother of SOCA music. This article provided some information about the categories of Calypso music. Within Calypso, there are different types of Calypso songs or categories.
This post will feature the following categories Political, Social, and Humor. The second post will feature the rest, Party, Extempo, and Nation Building. Now let's take a look at the six categories both post one and two will feature.
Calypso categories:
- Political
- Social
- Humor
- Party
- Extempo
- Nation Building
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Political Calypso:
If you consider the calypsonian the peoples' watchman or the voice of the people then it is easy to understand the role of political songs on the politics of the nation. Calypsonians could be bitter and come down like a sledgehammer on the ruling party. That was the case when Gypsy's 'Sinking Ship' and Deple's 'Vote Dem Out' were used by the opposition NAR to unseat the PNM government. The people's voice, the people's champion does more damage to a politician's future than articles in the daily newspapers. Many Calypsonians sang songs that made the politicians take notice. The Mighty Sparrow, Sugar Aloes, Duke, and many other influenced the way politicians conducted business. If you want to learn more on this subject, link to this article: credit BBC The subversive power of calypso music.
The British, who ruled Trinidad during the formative years of Calypso music tried to stifle the development of the music because the songs empowered the people. Who could not read, could hear and understand the songs of the day; that was not in the interest of the British government for that period. As mentioned above, the first Calypso tent opened in 1921, and because of the growth and popularity of Calypso, the ruling administration wanted to take control of the lyrical content of the songs. In 1934, a daily license fee was required from the tents; the enacted law was the 'Theatres and Dance Halls Ordinance' (1934-51). The purpose of the license was control! The tent owner had to submit the lyrics for all songs to be sung for review by the British Colonial government. Any song that portrayed a negative view of the government was censored and could not be performed unless any considered damaging content was revised in the interest of the colonial power. (credit 'The Sun/Domica" for this information).
Here are some Political Calypsos for your listening pleasure:
Social Commentary Calypso:
If you want to know what is going on in society today the internet will provide more than you really want to know. However, there was a time when people depended on the daily newspapers and radio to keep track of what was taking place. Those two formats were sometimes or most times overlooked by the general population but that was not the case when a calypsonian decided to address a topic that was of interest to society. The social commentary could be loaded with advice and warnings but if the tone was bitter then the impact of the song ended up as 'the talk of the town''.
Here are some Social Commentary Calypsos for your listening pleasure:
Humorous Calypsos: