It does not matter if you had a bad day yesterday or a slow start to your morning experience because this music will create a safe zone for you. Once immersed in the delight of music played on the steel pan all of your worries will dissipate. What is even better is that the music comes from the 'World of Smoothe'... Jazz Music!
So grab you cup of java or cup of tea, press play and release your inhibitions. You are now in the safe zone. Sokah2Soca aka Zagada is please to, once again (yes, we presented it before), soothe your senses with a 'Pan Lovers Delight'.
The site the music comes from is "Pan Jazz Radio". The links to their Facebook Fan Page and Twitter Feed are posted below.
It would be a very wonderful thing if there was a radio station out of Trinidad and Tobago that plays 'Pan Music' 24/7! This is sadly lacking and with so many people playing the steel pan this is a void that needs to be filled. In the interim we have sites like "Pan Jazz Radio" to continuously whet our 'pan music appetites'. Press play and enjoy!
Production Notes/Music Credits:
01 Sandpoint Reggae, Ray Holman
02 Come Dance With Me, Dave Longfellow
03 Isosceles, Gary Gibson,
04 Mexican Hip Dance, Dexter Joseph,
05 Her Favorite Shade Of Yellow, Victor Provost
06 In A Sentimental Mood, Dave Vine
07 Panoramic, Liam Teague
08 Calatino, Jamma & Friends
09 In Walked Bud, Sonic Steel
10 Valentines Gifts From India, Jonathon Scales
11 No Looking Back, Leon Foster Thomas
Presented and Produced by: D. Vine.
Pan Jazz Radio is brought to you by The pan Jazz Network, on behalf of The Pan Cafe. Please subscribe to our You Tube Channel, for all new shows and much much more...
Join The Pan Jazz Revolution on:
This show is dedicated to:
Mr Peter Aleong, Gerald Forsyth, Monika (Pan-Jumbie), Pan Podium, When Steel Talks and most importantly, to all the Pan Jazz musicians around the world, who work tirelessly, writing, recording, performing, and entertaining.
02 Come Dance With Me, Dave Longfellow
03 Isosceles, Gary Gibson,
04 Mexican Hip Dance, Dexter Joseph,
05 Her Favorite Shade Of Yellow, Victor Provost
06 In A Sentimental Mood, Dave Vine
07 Panoramic, Liam Teague
08 Calatino, Jamma & Friends
09 In Walked Bud, Sonic Steel
10 Valentines Gifts From India, Jonathon Scales
11 No Looking Back, Leon Foster Thomas
Presented and Produced by: D. Vine.
Pan Jazz Radio is brought to you by The pan Jazz Network, on behalf of The Pan Cafe. Please subscribe to our You Tube Channel, for all new shows and much much more...
Join The Pan Jazz Revolution on:
This show is dedicated to:
Mr Peter Aleong, Gerald Forsyth, Monika (Pan-Jumbie), Pan Podium, When Steel Talks and most importantly, to all the Pan Jazz musicians around the world, who work tirelessly, writing, recording, performing, and entertaining.
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! . We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in circle).