Photo Sourced from: ©
This is a Copyright Infringement Problem and the Chutney Soca Artists better get their act together! Come on people that which this YouTube video exposed is a damn shame! At Sokah2Soca we will support our local talent but we are too damn talented a people to do something like this!
Sigh... it is wide spread! We have posted most of the songs in this video expose and asked the listening public to support these songs/artists. We never gave thought to the melodies or thought that the music was stolen. Shame on the music producers!
The video does show the artists who have produced original music and kudos to them. However, the majority of the songs have stolen melodies. We are so disappointed. With the exception of some in the Indo Community, the majority of us won't know the difference until someone produces the source of the melody.
We will continue to post Chutney Soca music. It is our hope that the music producers learn form our Soca music producers. There is so much new music this year and there is not reason for stealing work. Enough now... time to change!
Now we have the Chutney Soca Monarch Competition coming up soon. Let's hope that the show organizers only reward original content. As a matter of fact, the government of Trinidad and Tobago should mandate that sponsorship of the competition will only take place if original compositions (lyrics and music) become the norm. Then and only then will tax payers money be given to support the show!
YouTube Music Video Notes:
Thanks for watching and becoming aware of whats happening to our Chutney Soca industry. Too many are unaware.Stand up for your genre and lets do better than this. No more stealing melodies, no more rum songs, and no more degrading women.
Lets end this nonsense and put out good, clean, original music for this years Chutney Soca Monarch and every year to come. Hope CSM stands with the people and for the people. Don't settle for less. Its your Culture
© Ram Jai
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! . We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in circle).
Chutney Soca is a Lie Stolen Music From Bollywood Artists from India!!!