Burning Up | Lil Bitts | Trinidad & Tobago 2015

Lil Bits cannot wait for carnival 2015 to come again and because she is "Burning Up" she has to release the beast! This song is entitled "Burning Up" and is one of many new releases on stream for Trinidad and Tobago's Carnival 2015. 
This is co-production of AdvoKit Productions and Precision Productions. Once again Kasey Phillips of Precision Productions has his hand in the pot as he co-wrote and participated in the production of the song. Take a listen to "Lil Bitt" and feel the burn!
Press Release:
Fire is often only seen as a force of destruction. If we were to be honest though, fire can bring forth renewal and much needed change.

It is not easy by any means, but once that trial by fire is overcome there is no entity on earth that can stop the ensuing forward momentum. Very few know this lesson as well as Soca songstress Shivonne "Lil' Bitts" Churche. Her journey has been tumultuous but like a phoenix she rises, letting go of the old, and embracing new beginnings.

Right now it is her moment and she is "Burning Up"! This first release was penned by Myles Alexis, who took the opportunity to fashion lyrics, which highlight the fiery energy only Lil' Bitts can bring to a single.

While musically, Precision Productions worked hand in hand with AdvoKit Productions bringing to life a scorching flare of energy that will no doubt shine continuously as this season unfolds.

The song stands as exactly the medium Bitts needed to remind Soca fans not only of her blistering singing abilities but also of her provocative on stage presence.

By building on the strengths within her foundation and consulting with newly launched Metropolis Media House, a uniquely designed advertising media house with a distinct trendy and urban flair, Lil' Bitts is more than ready to blaze Carnival 2015 with her tempestuous fire.
Copyright Mystie Thongs

Please don't forget to add to the conversation - we want to get your opinion! Is this a keeper or do you want to toss it? Voice your opinion/have your say by accessing the comment feature of this Blog post (top right hand corner) and leave your remarks! Let's try and refrain from Kankalang and Mauvais Langue discussions; just constructive criticism or positive vibes!

Production Notes:
Song Title:
Performed by: Shivonne “Lil’ Bitts” Churche.
Written by: Myles Alexis, Kitwana Israel & Kasey Phillips. 
Produced & Mixed by: AdvoKit Productions & Precision Productions. 
Guitar by: Kitwana Israel

Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! .  We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in circle).

The post below was created by CaribKaraoke for your listening and or singing pleasure. More Lyrics videos can be found on his website at the following address: http://www.caribkaraoke.com/Lyrics.aspx

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