There were great expectations on this night when Fantastic Friday arrived but those great expectations never materialized on a night of mediocrity! The artists came forth and performed with a promise to entertain and do well enough to win it all but no one grabbed the bull by the horn - no one really embraced the moment except for one person. The Groovy category was expected to be the gem of the night but that turned out to be a big disappointment. Something happened but it was not something to talk about... it was such a disappointing night for many who stayed up to watch it all. Some said that Machel had it easy but the results saw the rise of a new and well deserved winner in the Groovy Soca Category. However, when the show was over there was no doubt who won the Power Soca category.
The performers did not live up to expectations with the exception of a few. Destra Garcia, Biggie Irie and Kerwin Du Bois along with Machel Montano performed like they wanted to win. Farmer Nappy did not appear to want to win this competition that was tailor-made for his song to take it all - he was a huge disappointment and should not have placed third in the Groovy Soca category. The third place should have gone to Destra Garcia. I had the Groovy Soca segment results in the following order: Kerwin Dubois, Destra Garcia followed by Machel Montano.
Here are the official results for the Groovy Soca Category:
- Kerwin Dubois (well deserved) - Too Real
- Machel Montano
- Farmer Nappy
Next came the Power Soca category. I did not have any expectations for this category because the songs were considered weak while the Groovy category appeared strong. The first contestant was Ann-G from Japan. When she was finished I felt like going to bed and make a play to get back some of the money I spent to see the show. People in the chat box that I spent the evening chatting with were in shock and/or laughing (no pretenses here). Someone needs to explain to me how this artist got in and Swappi or Benjai did not!
I was not really into the Power Soca show but what the hell I paid to see the show so I watched and then came Super Blue. Damn that was painful to watch! I have to admit that Sparrow has a better voice that a lot of the stars of today and last night I feel that if Sparrow had a song he would have won that competition. That cannot be said for Super Blue. He should not stop singing, but he needs to remain in the studio and not compete again - he just can't do it anymore and he does not have a state voice anymore.
Here are the Official Results for the Power Soca Category:
- Machel Montano - Ministry of Road (MOR)
- Hollice "Mr. Killa" Mapp; Destra Garcia & Iwer George (three way tie)
In the competition for the Carib Break Out Artist for 2014 the Rolly Polly machine out of Grenada took that title from Erphaan Alves:
- Hollice Mapp aka Mr. Killa - Rolly Polly