Here they come for Carnival 2014 - Madmen have released the hounds plus one lady! This is the riddim known as "Titan" and it is a production of Madmen Producers. The Riddim features some of the better known artists or as the say 'the big names in the business'.
The riddim jumps off with a song entitled "State Of Mind" written by Dale Ryan and Emmanuel Rudder with Destra Garcia on vocals. The second song was written and performed by Kerwin Du Bois and is entitled "Spoil Mehself". I am sure many of you out there plan to to that for this upcoming festival. Closing ranks on the Riddim is the big man of the business Machel Montano. Machel's song is entitled "She Coming". This song was written by Full Blown Entertainment and Machel.
The musical guns are out and blazing a trail that leads to the greatest West Indian style carnival in the World! Madmen have produced a very sweet sounding riddim with all three songs sounding really good. This is not going to be easy to pick one... I am leaning to the lady but Kerwin is weighing in heavily and Machel is growing on me... damn that only means that the music and lyrics have the ideal marriage. Trinidad Carnival is the best and to start of the festival is sweet music done by Madmen with out super star singers... sweet!
Music Blast Release:
Over the past year there have been multiple sightings and quite a few gentle rumblings, from the MadMen Producers' camp. Finally though after much anticipation, MadMan Johann and Rykky Bobby are ready to officially launch their first full frontal assault for the Carnival 2014 season.
Their commitment to excellence and love for entertaining has given birth to a brand new riddim, which is guaranteed to dominate the airwaves.
Rising from the souls of these MadMen comes the mighty Titans Riddim, and as the name implies only the most powerful of artists are sharing their talent on this beautifully composed piece of music.
First up, is the reigning Queen of Bacchanal Destra Garcia, the only female titan on this release. She however, indisputably proves why her vocal abilities are to be feared by one and all, with the song "State Of Mind".
Alongside her, Machel Montano the crowned King of Soca tells a true to life tale that every masquerader has had to dance their way through in "She Coming".
The master of grooves himself, Kerwin Du Bois adds to the potent mix as he belts out the addictive and self-indulgent "Spoil Mehself", celebrating the blessings of life as well as those of this unique season.
For many the wait has been too long for another hit Riddim from the mighty MadMen, but without a doubt the treasure that is Titans, was definitely worth it.
Please don't forget to add to the conversation - we want to get your opinion! Is this a keeper or do you want to toss it? Voice your opinion/have your say by accessing the comment feature of this Blog post (top right hand corner) and leave your remarks! Let's try and refrain from Kankalang and Mauvais Langue discussions; just constructive criticism or positive vibes!
Production Notes:
Title: Titans Riddim
Performed by: Destra Garcia, Kerwin Du Bois & Machel Montano HD
Produced by: Madmen Producers
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! . We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in circle).