From Senelle Dempster's "Vibes" we move on up to this new song from Sekon Sta feat. Jaiga entitled "Bag Ah Vibes". I guess the story is about 'Vibes' and for Carnival 2014 we simply cannot get enough "Vibes". This is a decent 'fast paced' Soca track that will be fun to jump up to on Carnival Monday and Tuesday. After all they will need lots of energy to handle this "Bag Ah Vibes"!
The song is a production of Advokit Productions & Anson Soverall while the lyrical content was penned by Nesta Boxill, Terrin Callender, Kit Israel, Anson Soverall. Sekon Sta and Jaiga surely sound like that had a lot of fun bringing this one to life. This is an "OK" song but you can still have a lot of fun feting with the song. Go ahead and give it a play and judge for yourself!
Please don't forget to add to the conversation - we want to get your opinion! Is this a keeper or do you want to toss it? Voice your opinion/have your say by accessing the comment feature of this Blog post (top right hand corner) and leave your remarks! Let's try and refrain from Kankalang and Mauvais Langue discussions; just constructive criticism or positive vibes!
Production Notes:
Song Title: Bag Ah Vibes
Written by: Nesta Boxill, Terrin Callender, Kit Israel, Anson Soverall.
Produced by: Advokit Productions & Anson Soverall
Mastered by: Precision Productions
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! . We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in circle).