I originally stated that this is a feel good blog to one of my friends when asked about the purpose of this weblog. However, after reading the newspaper this morning I had to leave a comment on the death of a young man from Arima - my home town in Trinidad.
The story is entitled "Bandit Kills Arima Teen over Phone" is in the Trinidad Express Newspaper this morning. You can link to the story to read the details if you desire to do so. Now with the killing of Fareed Hosein, just seventeen years old, the murder rate has reached 409 and we just started October. Is a life worth the value of a cell phone that is so easily available now? What sick mind would do something like this? The society has deteriorated to this point where not even a Santiwah (spiritual bush bath) could save these heinous souls masquerading as human beings.
This is a very dark day for a country that has only 1.3 million citizens. Is it the drugs, lack of education or just plain evil desire that has plunged our country down this murderous path? What can be done? What are your views on the subject and what do you think can be done to stem this murderous tsunami that has gripped our beloved country. If there is a Supreme Being watching over the Earth then obviously he, she, it has forsaken Trinidad and Tobago. Your comments or guest posts are welcome.