When Ah Come Back by Iwer George | 2025 Trinidad Soca

Image via YouTube music video © Robert “Simply Natural” Baptise and David “MillBeatz” Millien.

Iwer sounds like a feckless individual who promises to pay his bill "when ah come back"! Yes, my friends, despite Iwer's tendency to sing "well, well" to introduce his repetitive lyrical content, his fans seem to be captivated by his charismatic charm. Today, Iwer is releasing a song that he hopes will excite his fans. Perhaps it will excite his fans, but they may feel, like us, that it's nothing new. So, for those who get excited for new music, and especially for those who are fans of Iwer George, we present his Carnival 2025 release titled, "When Ah Come Back."

While "When Ah Come Back" is undeniably catchy and perfect for getting a crowd moving, some fans have noted that it falls short in terms of lyrical depth. The song is light on substantive content, focusing more on creating a fun, party atmosphere than on delivering a meaningful message.

This approach isn't entirely new for Soca music, which often prioritizes rhythm and energy over complex lyrics. However, for those who look to Iwer George for both musical excitement and thought-provoking content, "When Ah Come Back" might feel a bit lacking.

Despite this, there's no denying the song's ability to captivate and energize listeners. It's tailor-made for Carnival, where the main goal is to dance, celebrate, and enjoy the moment. So, while "When Ah Come Back" might not be Iwer George's most lyrically profound work, it's sure to be a hit on the road and in the fetes, bringing that unmistakable Carnival spirit to life. 

Iwer may just have caught lightening in a bottle with the hook "when ah come back." I have a feeling that this would be a commonplace statement in Trinidad and Tobago, especially for those who love to drink but don't want to spend money. Say what you want; Iwer has a way of captivating his carnival audience. 

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Production Notes/Music Credits:
Song Title: When Ah Come Back
Artist/Performed by: Iwer George
Written by : Neil Iwer George
Produced by : Robert “Simply Natural” Baptise and David “MillBeatz” Millien
Recording and Vocal Production : David “MillBeatz” Millien
Recorded at KMC Studios
Mix and mastered by David “MillBeatz” Millien of MillBeatz Entertainment  
Origin: Trinidad, Republic of Trinidad & Tobago 
Genre: Soca

Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! We don't own the rights to this music; it is presented here for promotional use only. We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't download and share them and rob the artists of needed income! I, nor this blog, make any claims of ownership over any of the videos, songs, photos, or graphics used for this post because they all belong to their respective owners.
♫Please click the music player button below to listen now (a small triangle in the Music player/TV Frame).

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