Disclaimer: Neither Wilfredo nor Derek in Photo!
Just for a laugh! But if you ask Tony, he will say this is serious talk! You have to talk to/ask the animal to sacrifice its life. When that happens the meat tastes sweet and nourishes the human who was blessed to partake of the sacrifice. Maybe we should all consider eating Halal food! Halal means, "Lawful or permitted"; maybe Tony is right!
If you live in Trinidad and Tobago or any of the Caribbean islands, it is more than likely that you have chickens in your backyard. Today, that may not be the case since people in built-up areas don't want chickens or chicken poop in their backyard. Most of these people now want their backyard to be an entertainment zone to impress friends. Country living is different, and people still have chickens in their back yards. These chickens provide nourishment in the form of eggs and stew or curry on any given day. Today on WACK radio, the show was hilarious. We have a chicken story for you that you will enjoy. We will keep it short.
Bush medicine was the talk on the station, and laughter ripped the airways... Tony and Desmond are so funny together. Now, for some reason, the conversation turned to chicken. Tony decided to discuss the health benefits of drinking bush tea and eating healthy. Tony spoke about understanding life, growing up with animals in their yard, and the most effective way to slaughter an animal. Tony talked about animals and chickens 'giving their lives' for human nourishment. Deso challenged him about how he knew the animals were willing to die to nourish humans. Tony said if it is not done the right way, the meat won't taste good. However, if the chicken 'gives its life freely' that is the sweetest meat you will ever eat!
Hmm, Deso, in his usual funny way, put on his finest chicken voice, 'cluck, cluck, cluck' and asked Tony what he would do next. He also asked how the chicken knew it was time to sacrifice his life for human nourishment. Tony replied, "You say a prayer, pat 'Wilfredo's' (the chicken's) head, and let him eat out of your hand." Then, with a sharp knife—not a dull knife—watap, the chicken head is gone!
Tony explained that he knew all his chickens, and they knew when to sacrifice themselves. Tony said, "People were sad in the yard and did not want to eat "Derek" (the chicken), who was slaughtered for Sunday lunch. Poor Derek, Tony sacrificed Derek for Sunday Lunch! Total laughter erupted on the airwaves!
You had to be there; you had to experience the hilarity of these two grown men on WACK Visual Radio 90.1 FM. But if you missed it, we have an audio clip of that segment; listen and tell us if the guys lived up to expectations.
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