Photo created from YouTube/Bing image captures © Sweetness for Panorama Project.
Calypso and Panorama are the heart and soul of carnivals in the past; Soca music is the music of present-day carnivals. Having said that, there is nothing better than a sweet calypso written and produced for the steel pan. Today we present a song by Calypsonian Crazy written by Clive Telemaque with additional production from Mr. Pelham Goddard. This one has Panorama written all over it... the thing has started!At this time the new Soca tracks come rolling out just about every day for upcoming fetes and to capture early radio play. Crazy, and his team, have decided to come early for the steel pan. We applaud this decision and await with bated breath to see which Steelband will choose to use this one for Panorama 2023... this one is sounding sweet!
Listen to the song and share your comments on this post and on the YouTube page to let the artist and production team gauge what the SteelPan market is thinking...
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Music/Production Notes:
Song Title: Sweetness
Artist/Singer: Crazy
Written by: Clive Telemaque
Executive Producer: Clive Telemaque
Other Production: Pelham Goddard
For Promotional Use Only
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! We don't own the rights to this music: and, it is presented here for promotional use only. We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't download and share the music and rob the artists of needed income! Music for sale should be purchased while music distributed for promotional purposes should be treated as such and not shared!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in the Music player/TV Frame).