Groovy and Power Soca Monarch Crowd in Grenada
Every island does it best! We do it best will be the cry for each islander when asked this question: 'Who does mash-up fete best'? So you think you have the right answer, of course, you do, just tell someone else from another island and see how he or she reacts. We do it best, are you joking? Insular thinking and experiences will leave those ignorant of other cultures void of a serious response to that question... so here is our take, what we think. The most popular carnival, with the strongest feting/Soca music market, is Trinidad & Tobago. There was a time when Trinidadians could make that claim but not again. The Trinis have gone soft! Back in the day, when Super Blue started the rags and flags phenomenon there was pandemonium when his songs were played or whenever he performed. Today Trinis don't want to break a sweat at all. Instead, they are into Groove Soca with their eyes on the ladies in fetes. They want to dress looking good and exude the best cologne scent money can buy (eg. Creed Aventus). They are there for the ladies not to sweat and get on bad.
The Bajans like to fete but they behave more like the Trinidadians. After all, Trinis love to participate in Crop Over Carnival. J'ouvert is not a thing in Barbados as it is in the rest of the Caribbean. We won't harp on the Bajans and we are sure they can boast about 'how they could mash up fetes'. Talk 'allyuh' talk.
So we come to where the real mash-up people reside. Simply put we lump the energy-driven feting to Grenada, Carriacou, Saint Vincent, Saint Lucia, and to a lesser extent Antigua. To avoid a long discourse this conversation comes down to the Spice isle and the Vincies. We believe that the most energy comes from the Grenadians. Just to remind people and those who watched the 2019 Soca Monarch competition there was utter pandemonium when Mr. Killa came to the stage and performed 'Run Wid It'. Of all the performances the Grenadian posse in attendance showed how to 'get on bad and mash-up a fete'. That performance was revealing, and for those who understand Grenada and Jab Mas, then one can understand where all this energy comes from. Yes, the Vincies can mash-up with the best but the Grenadians edge them out. These guys go to a fete to have a good time. A good time does not mean that they have to have a woman on their side or in front of them. This is raw energy and the power of Soca music... they just roll with the music!
One can go from one island to the other and make a case for each but if you are honest about the question then it comes down to Grenada and Saint Vincent when it comes to raw energy and mashing up a fete. Trinis take the chipping and grooving crown but no one fettes harder than people from the Spice Isle and Saint Vincent... we give the edge to Grenada. Tell us what you think.
We posted a track below that will shed some light on how Soca artists in the smaller markets generate energy and create the ideal 'mash-up fete' music.
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Production Notes/Music Credits:
Title: Super Saiyan Riddim
Produced by: Wetty Beatz
Song List:
1. Wetty Beatz x Jab King - Hello
2. Lavaman - Super Saiyan
3. Triniboi Joocie x Luni Spark and Electrify - Massacre
4. Skinny Fabulous - Big Woman
5. Boyzie - Backaz
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! We don't own the rights to this music: and, it is presented here for promotional use only. We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't download and share the music and rob the artists of needed income! Music for sale should be purchased while music distributed for promotional purposes should be treated as such and not shared!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in the Music player/TV Frame).