Friday is always one of the best days of the week, after all, it is the start of the weekend! After work Friday 'limes' and Saturday fete nights are just what is needed as we prepare for the upcoming colder weather in New York City. Is this as good as it gets? Hell no, because today we have new Soca vibes to share with you! We think you are ready for some new music and, we have the musical vibes to share with you today.
The new vibe is a production of Keron 'Scratch Master' Hector. Keron is a program manager at Slam 101.1 in Barbados as well as Hot 97.1 in Saint Vincent. He is originally from San Fernando, Trinidad but resides in Bridgetown, Barbados. This production has four very popular artists doing what they do best, sing good Soca songs so that you have great music to party all weekend. Share the vibe with your peers...
Our goal is to help promote the music and culture of our Caribbean artists. The singers, musicians, producers, songwriters, and all those involved in the creative process. Together we can promote and spread the culture by sharing these posts on all Social media platforms. We are on Facebook; Twitter; Youtube; Instagram and Soundcloud. All our posts are available on Feedburner/Feeds, and via Email Subscription: Get Sokah2Soca delivered by Email; Thank you in advance.
Production Notes/Music Credits:
Riddim Title: Sun Fun Riddim
Artists: Shal Marshall, Problem Child, Skinny Fabulous & Patrice Roberts
Produced by: Jabari Stevens
Mixed & Mastered by: Keron 'Scratch Master' Hector
Patrice Roberts - Hard On Me
Problem Child - Kitty Cat
Shal Marshall - Applause
Skinny Fabulous - Too Damn Wicked
Jabari Stevens - Sun Fun Riddim (Instrumental)
For Promotional Use Only
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! We don't own the rights to this music: and, it is presented here for promotional use only. We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't download and share the music and rob the artists of needed income! Music for sale should be purchased while music distributed for promotional purposes should be treated as such and not shared!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in the Music player/TV Frame).