Trinidad and Tobago along with Carriacou appear to have been the lucky states regarding the hosting of carnivals for 2020. Both islands had successful carnival celebrations and thankfully many people from the Caribbean region attended and enjoyed the festivities. Thankfully they did because the consensus is that there will not be any other Caribbean style carnival or carnivals in general anywhere in the world for the rest of 2020. As a matter of fact, unless a vaccine comes into play, there won't be any 'mass gathering events' scheduled because of the contagious nature of this virus... keep hope alive!
Why is this the case? Simply put, safety and to be precise, stopping the spread of covid-19 that has wrecked havoc Worldwide. This virus changes everything; person to person contact will surely be negatively impacted because of this virus. We expect human contact, human socialization techniques will change because of this virus. Not all change is good but we need to learn from this and consider the impact it will have on future carnival events... the jury is out on this one until we come up with a vaccine. Maybe then people will feel comfortable rubbing shoulder to shoulder in tight spaces. For now, we need to follow the rules to stop the spread. Carnival and feting can wait!
Let us be wise and not bemoan the fact that carnivals have been cancelled, that is the smart choice. However, that does not mean that you won't have new music from these territories... Julianspromos is already featuring new music from the Soca Industry power houses including, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, Barbados, Saint Lucia, Antigua, Guyana and Saint Vincent.
Let us be wise and not bemoan the fact that carnivals have been cancelled, that is the smart choice. However, that does not mean that you won't have new music from these territories... Julianspromos is already featuring new music from the Soca Industry power houses including, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, Barbados, Saint Lucia, Antigua, Guyana and Saint Vincent.
Let us count our blessings that we are here and can go to YouTube and watch all the recorded events of Trinidad and Tobago Carnival 2020! We have so much music to look back on and celebrate until the day that we can safely gather together in droves, hug each other and celebrate West Indian style... fete, wine and just have fun. In this moment, for this time, give virtual hugs and take a virtual wine with that special someone.
Please conduct yourselves safely, go online and find your Soca Music sources and fete in the privacy of your home... after all, we are West Indians!
Use the comment feature of this post to share your thoughts about the song here with your peers. All comments will be posted. Please don't forget to visit us on our 'Facebook Fan Page'. Use the search term @sokah2soca and don't forget to "LIKE US". We are also on Twitter and are now using Instagram; SoundCloud and don't forget to #Sokah2Soca and Enjoy!
Use the comment feature of this post to share your thoughts about the song here with your peers. All comments will be posted. Please don't forget to visit us on our 'Facebook Fan Page'. Use the search term @sokah2soca and don't forget to "LIKE US". We are also on Twitter and are now using Instagram; SoundCloud and don't forget to #Sokah2Soca and Enjoy!
- Saint Thomas Carnival – Postponed
- Saint Martin Carnival – Postponed
- Bacchanal Jamaica – Postponed until 25th October, 2020
- Tampa Bay – The carnival has yet to impose any restrictions on neither cancellation nor postponement.
- Bahamas Carnival – Postponed
- CayMAS – Postponed
- Cayman Carnival Batabano – Postponed
- Braccanal Cayman Island – Postponed
- Guyana Mashramani – Postponed
- Atlanta – The carnival has yet to impose any restrictions on neither cancellation nor postponement.
- San Francisco – The carnival has yet to impose any restrictions on neither cancellation nor postponement.
- Orlando – The carnival has yet to impose any restrictions on neither cancellation nor postponement.
- St Lucia Carnival – Postponed until later this year.
- Antigua Carnival - Cancelled
- Crop Over Barbados - Cancelled
- Saint Vincent (Vincy Mas) - Cancelled
- Toronto Caribana - Cancelled
All information above for April through July was sourced from the following website link:
- Spicemas - Cancelled (updated 05/05/2020)
- Notting Hill Carnival - Cancelled (updated 05/07/2020)
- Belize Carnival - unknown regarding postponement/cancellation.
- Miami Broward Carnival - unknown but with Covid-19 taking hold of the US don't make plans to party in Miami this year. Having said that, the latest information out of Miami is that they are continuously monitoring the changing situation on the ground as it relates to reopening businesses and the path forward regarding the gathering of people and need to protect the people in the are from a further spread of the virus. Stay tuned as the situation evolves...
The playlist below features 200 songs. If you want to listen to more Soca music then link to our playlist that has over 613 music videos/songs for carnival 2020 (use 'load more' to see all the songs on the video play-list/YouTube does not automatically show all the videos in the listing).
Party with Dj Ana and Dj Ultra Simmo