There is no doubt that Mr. Killa has stolen the momentum from everyone vying for the Power Soca Monarch Competition in Trinidad and Tobago. Stop playing games people... Crown him Soca Monarch for the International Soca Monarch Competition 2019!
Initially, we predicted that Lil Natty and Thunda will win with their song entitled, "Get In Your Section" but that has changed with one performance from Mr. Killa. "Run Wid" It destroyed the Veledrome and then some!
He stole the hearts and minds of everyone after his performance at the ISM Semi-Finals at the Arima Veledrome. He was superb, he was all adrenaline, he was a 'macho man'... he stole the show!
He stole the hearts and minds of everyone after his performance at the ISM Semi-Finals at the Arima Veledrome. He was superb, he was all adrenaline, he was a 'macho man'... he stole the show!
How did this happen? Mr. Killa brought back the feeling that Super Blue brought our in people when he reigned supreme. He has the hook, when he calls on the fans to "pick up something and run wid it", pandemonium breaks out! People are picking up everything in sight and running from side to side. There is immense and intense energy during this moment... just watch at the video below and understand this phenomenon. See what takes place... riotous fun!
There is no doubt that he has stolen the show, stolen the moment and if you think that the Road March favorites are safe... don't count your eggs in that basket just yet. The show, the story is far from finished. Even if there is a bias they have no choice but to give him the title once he is able to perform and performs as we expect that he will... flawless and energetic. Say it it with us, say in a loud voice, Mr. Killa, the Power Soca Monarch Champion of Trinidad and Tobago and the rest of the Caribbean Region.
encourage you to support the artiste and the production team. We want
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a consideration, it should be apparent that the success of this song
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vibe; go ahead and tell your friends about this music release! Now it is
up to you to ensure that this song rides the airwaves. Please call your
favorite radio jocks and request your song of choice. Right now, we
invite you to share your thoughts about the song and music production.
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