The Plus One Riddim has arrived and today we feature a song by Sekon Sta that carries the name of the production; yes, you got that right, "Plus One"! This is a production of Kyle "Novahh" Joseph and Nikholai Greene.
You, the listener, will be the final judge regarding the success or failure of this song and by extension, the 'riddim'. So what do we think about this song? Let's get to it...
The start of this song was a little different, using the guitar to introduce a thumping bass line worked. We really like the chest thumping bass on this track.
Good music creates a vibe that makes a 'riddim' work but more importantly the vocals and the lyrical prowess of the songwriters will take the song to another level. The music and then the vocals followed by the magic of the lyrical content. We have the vocals of Sekon Sta, the man spit out a lot to start the song, but for some reason, I felt like I needed to hear more. The song moved so quickly that it felt like the story was incomplete. Of course, we get it, we understand the story. However, 2:31 minutes just does not cut it! Come on guys, this song needed to be one minute longer, 3:31minutes at a minimum!
The lyrical content has some potential, if you look at the lines below one can see that with a little more though this could have been a carnival story to remember but they quit early and came up with a limited (it feels rushed) story.
"Don't play, don't be quick to walk away. Doh care what nobody says. I love de ting in front of me, in front of me... Could you be my number one?"
The song, the story has potential but they sold themselves short by literally creating a song that was 'short of the mark' in terms of content and length of music production. What is do you think? Please share your opinion with your peers by using the comment feature of this post.
You, the listener, will be the final judge regarding the success or failure of this song and by extension, the 'riddim'. So what do we think about this song? Let's get to it...
The start of this song was a little different, using the guitar to introduce a thumping bass line worked. We really like the chest thumping bass on this track.
Good music creates a vibe that makes a 'riddim' work but more importantly the vocals and the lyrical prowess of the songwriters will take the song to another level. The music and then the vocals followed by the magic of the lyrical content. We have the vocals of Sekon Sta, the man spit out a lot to start the song, but for some reason, I felt like I needed to hear more. The song moved so quickly that it felt like the story was incomplete. Of course, we get it, we understand the story. However, 2:31 minutes just does not cut it! Come on guys, this song needed to be one minute longer, 3:31minutes at a minimum!
The lyrical content has some potential, if you look at the lines below one can see that with a little more though this could have been a carnival story to remember but they quit early and came up with a limited (it feels rushed) story.
"Don't play, don't be quick to walk away. Doh care what nobody says. I love de ting in front of me, in front of me... Could you be my number one?"
The song, the story has potential but they sold themselves short by literally creating a song that was 'short of the mark' in terms of content and length of music production. What is do you think? Please share your opinion with your peers by using the comment feature of this post.
We encourage you to support the artiste and the production team. We want you to spread the word about the song; please use the comment feature of this post to share your thoughts about the song with your peers. Keep in mind that fair use of social media is an excellent method to promote the artiste and song. Take a few minutes and comment on the song/music production... the artiste and production team will appreciate your feedback.
As a consideration, it should be apparent that the success of this song depends on your support, please share this post. Make a bold pronouncement regarding the virtues of the song and singer; hype up the vibe; go ahead and tell your friends about this music release! Now it is up to you to ensure that this song rides the airwaves. Please call your favorite radio jocks and request your song of choice. Right now, we invite you to share your thoughts about the song and music production.
Use the comment feature of this post to share your thoughts about the song here with your peers. All comments will be posted. Please don't forget to visit us on our 'Facebook Fan Page'. Use the search term @sokah2soca and don't forget to "LIKE US". We are also on Twitter and are now using Instagram; SoundCloud and don't forget to #Sokah2Soca and Enjoy!
Production Notes/Music Credits:
Song Title: Plus One
Riddim Name: Plus One
Performed by: Sekon Sta
Written by: Nesta "Sekon Sta" Boxill, Mikhail Corneal and Akeem "Preedy" Chance
Background Vocals by: Keone Osbourne
Produced by: Kyle "Novahh" Joseph and Nikholai Greene
Mixed and Mastered by: Nikholai Greene and Andre "Dre Major" Stewart
Riddim Name: Plus One
Performed by: Sekon Sta
Written by: Nesta "Sekon Sta" Boxill, Mikhail Corneal and Akeem "Preedy" Chance
Background Vocals by: Keone Osbourne
Produced by: Kyle "Novahh" Joseph and Nikholai Greene
Mixed and Mastered by: Nikholai Greene and Andre "Dre Major" Stewart
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't download and share the music and rob the artists of needed income! Music for sale should be purchased while music distributed for promotion purposes should be treated as such and not shared!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in TV Frame).
Another song pulled after it was posted to YOuTube... damn these management people.
Another song pulled after it was posted to YOuTube... damn these management people.