This is the West Indian American Day Carnival Association free live showing of the Panorama Competition for carnival 2018. Sit back and relax to the sweet sound pan music. Thank you to the persons responsible for this free video feed. This broadcast comes to you from the Brooklyn Museum located at 200 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn, New York 11238.
Bands Order of Appearance
Name of Steelband
Name of Song/Arranger
The Results
Despers USA emerged as Panorama Champions for the West Indian American Day Carnival Association (WIADCA) competition that was held at the Brooklyn Museum Grounds last night.
Despers USA emerged as Panorama Champions for the West Indian American Day Carnival Association (WIADCA) competition that was held at the Brooklyn Museum Grounds last night.
- Despers USA (New York WIADCA Panorama Champions 2018)
- Pan Evolution
- D'Radoes
- Philadelphia (Philly) Pan Stars
- Harmony
The Winning Performance by Despers USA | Year For Love
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