Soca music continues to be disrespected by the mainstream music industry. One would hope that one day, sooner than later, that the Mainstream media will acknowledge the music and let the World know that it is a music genre that came out of the Caribbean region. In Trinidad and Tobago, Ras Shorty I aka Lord Shorty is credited as the one who started the change and named the new music. He is considered the creator of early Soca... the music has changed a lot since that time. We will keep hope alive!
Pop artists in America are using Soca beats and not crediting the music genre. Let us repeat this fact, Soca is not acknowledged as a music genre even though the beat is being used World wide... wow!
Until that day when Soca is acknowledged, the music will be used with no credit going to the Caribbean region from which it was created and developed. If you watch the video clip provided here you will hear the statement made that Soca is being lumped and credited to 'Tropical House'. Tropical House (aka Trop House Music) is a sub-genre of 'Deep House with elements of Dancehall'. How in heaven's name can the Soca beat be identified and placed in the category of Trop House? The frustration continues...
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Made For Now by Janet Jackson x Daddy Yankee. The beat on the drum kit is Soca!