Congratulations are extended to all the fans, players and management of Commancheros Steel Orchestra. We applaud their success!
Use the comment feature of this post to share your thoughts about the competition here with your peers. All comments will be posted. Please don't forget to visit us on our new 'Facebook Fan Page'. Use the search term @sokah2soca and don't forget to "LIKE US". We are now using Instagram; don't forget to #Sokah2Soca and Enjoy!
Use the comment feature of this post to share your thoughts about the competition here with your peers. All comments will be posted. Please don't forget to visit us on our new 'Facebook Fan Page'. Use the search term @sokah2soca and don't forget to "LIKE US". We are now using Instagram; don't forget to #Sokah2Soca and Enjoy!
Name of Band
Name of Song
Name of Arranger
Link: When Steel Talks/Grenada Panorama Results
Song Title: Pum Pum
Singer: Scholar
Arranger: Andre Greenidge