Kaiso Gardens Series Playlist | Kurt Allen | Trinidad 2017

Today we are featuring a post done by Kurt Allen aka "The Last Bardjohn of Calypso" that was posted on Facebook. Calypso is not receiving the attention it deserves and part of the problem is with the Governing Body of Calypso and the Calypsonians themselves. We will not get into that conversation because we are here to feature twenty-two calypsos that we have on our play-list.

There are many more songs out there but just not on YouTube. Many of the songs were sent to When Steel Talks. Those songs were written specifically for the Steelband Panorama Competition and are featured exclusively on that site (Tuco and the Caypsonians have to be blamed for that situation). Then again, there are those Calypsonians who simply don't have the means (reasons abound) to get the music on sites like YouTube.

We turn our attention to Kurt Allens post. We used the songs he listed to add to our own Calypso play-list below. Press play and enjoy.

Kurt Allen's Original Facebook Post:
The Kaiso season has officially kicked off and we have seen the crowning of the first Monarch in the person of Sasha Ann Moses.

The story remains the same with airplay for Kaiso music even though tracks are releasing daily. Tune in to WACK Radio 90.1fm and you may be pleasantly surprised to know how many NEW Calypso’s are already in rotation.

With the absence of the music on other frequencies the Kaiso Garden Series will create a Kaiso play list for the facebook family. We also call upon ALL CALYPSONIANS to do likewise. Create a Kaiso play-list of your choice and feature and share the new releases to your network.

Others are playing their part in other areas by lobbying the radio stations to play more local, some are calling upon the legislators and demanding 50% local airplay.

All efforts are welcomed as you can already tell. In in interim the call is being issued to ALL CALYPSONIANS and CALYPSO LOVERS to share this play-list, create your own social media kaiso list and let’s share the all the music.

Forget who song better than who, that thinking will take us nowhere very quickly. We may not have all the new songs available, however we will add to our list on a daily basis as new music surfaces.

For other suggestions it may be a good idea to listen to what Mr. Eric St Bernard has to say on the issue. The fraternity can learn a thing or two from the approach he is proposing.

The Kaiso Garden Series
By: Kurt Allen

Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! .  We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in circle).

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