What in heaven's name were they thinking with this 'concept video' for Fayann Lyons song entitled Raze? This concept is just ridiculous and does not capture the intent of the song. This is one of my favorite songs for Carnival 2015 but the video needs to be dumped in the Gulf of Paria - can I get an Amen people?
This song just opens Fayann to ridicule and Disney spoofs. I am lost for words and simply amazed that they missed the boat on this one by such a wide margin. A Caribbean hit song that captures the fire of the people is dumped on a bed of snow and draped in winter coats. I will save/say a prayer for the people who conceptualized and produced this music-video travesty.
This song just opens Fayann to ridicule and Disney spoofs. I am lost for words and simply amazed that they missed the boat on this one by such a wide margin. A Caribbean hit song that captures the fire of the people is dumped on a bed of snow and draped in winter coats. I will save/say a prayer for the people who conceptualized and produced this music-video travesty.
Production Notes/Music Credits:
Production Notes:
Song Title: RAZE
Written by: Fayann Lyons-Alvarez.
Produced by: Stadic Studio Productions.
Live acoustic guitar by: Enrico "Di Gittarman' Camejo. Additional production by: LAZAbeam and Wetty Beatz.
Mixed and Mastered by: LAZAbeam (Keshav Singh) of Jus Now. Written by: Fayann Lyons-Alvarez.
Produced by: Stadic Studio Productions.
Live acoustic guitar by: Enrico "Di Gittarman' Camejo. Additional production by: LAZAbeam and Wetty Beatz.
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! . We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in circle).