This is new music from Teddyson John for Saint Lucia's 2014 Carnival. This one has the Precision Productions label with WeMAD Music writers co-writing the song with Precision Productions. When talented people get together you end up with sweet musical vibes. This collaboration works!
Take listen to the song and let us know how you feel about this new vibe from Teddyson and the people at Precision Productions out of Trinidad and Tobago. This Lucian/Trini collaboration is firing on all cylinders - sweet music!
Press Release:
Ever so often a song is released, which touches a place in your soul and resonates so soundly with your love for this season that it takes you back to the very "First Time" you ever let go and thoroughly enjoyed Carnival.
This heartfelt memory in motion is described lyrically by Akeem "Preedy" Chance and Stephanas "Steffy" Ramgattie of WeMad, as they encapsulate the rarely relived virgin jubilation expressed within this single.
With an unforgettable melodic delivery, the former Groovy Monarch Teddyson John translates all of these glorious emotions into song, one well-sung refrain at a time.
Even as the tastefully saccharine layering of music provided by Team Precision, adds that final level of remembrance, which enables listeners to be carried away in what is sure to be a heavenly festival trance.
Please don't forget to add to the conversation - we want to get your opinion! Is this a keeper or do you want to toss it? Voice your opinion/have your say by accessing the comment feature of this Blog post (top right hand corner) and leave your remarks! Let's try and refrain from Kankalang and Mauvais Langue discussions; just constructive criticism or positive vibes!
Production Notes:
Song Title: First Time
Written by: Akeem "Preedy" Chance and Stephanas "Steffy" Ramgattie of WeMAD Music
Nikholai Greene & Kasey Phillips
Performed by: Teddyson John
Produced & Mixed & Recorded by: Precision Productions
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! . We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in circle).