This is new music from the music lab of Xpert Production from the isle of Carriacou. The song released today is from the artiste known as Hunter HD. Hunter is a young, handsome and talented singer who sings with a vibe to his groove. This is a case of talent meeting talent in Hunter HD and Jason "Xpert" James. This should be called the X2 Groove out of Carriacou.
On October 31, 2013 I posted the studio teaser of this song. It had a vibe and the newly released song cements the case presented in the video - a fun song with good vibes. The following excerpt was taken from that original post that can also be reviewed at the following link:
Ah Ent Spoil (Studio Teaser) | Hunter HD | Carriacou 2014
"This music is the stuff that bacchanal is birthed from, yes this is a serious mash-up the fete, break down the place song. Just look at the guys in the studio how they are having fun and the rhythm simply flows with the lyric surfing along the vibe. The lyrics tell the story - this is a song to play yourself and have fun lime after lime and fete after fete - I can't wait to get the finished track to post for your listening pleasure".
As you can tell I like this song but then again I have always liked the productions coming out of Carriacou done by Xpert Productions. The man is consistently good and his graphics are excellent. Hunter HD did well by going to Xpert Productions. This song should do well and hopefully will be promoted for Trinidad and Tobago's Carnival. Trinis pass the word along and let your friends take a listen to this talented team out of Carriacou (they are your neighbors) - now let the music play and let the 'vibez' mesmerize your soul!
Please don't forget to add to the conversation - we want to get your opinion! Is this a keeper or do you want to toss it? Voice your opinion/have your say by accessing the comment feature of this Blog post (top right hand corner) and leave your remarks! No time for Kankalang and Mauvais Langue just constructive criticism!
On October 31, 2013 I posted the studio teaser of this song. It had a vibe and the newly released song cements the case presented in the video - a fun song with good vibes. The following excerpt was taken from that original post that can also be reviewed at the following link:
Ah Ent Spoil (Studio Teaser) | Hunter HD | Carriacou 2014
"This music is the stuff that bacchanal is birthed from, yes this is a serious mash-up the fete, break down the place song. Just look at the guys in the studio how they are having fun and the rhythm simply flows with the lyric surfing along the vibe. The lyrics tell the story - this is a song to play yourself and have fun lime after lime and fete after fete - I can't wait to get the finished track to post for your listening pleasure".
As you can tell I like this song but then again I have always liked the productions coming out of Carriacou done by Xpert Productions. The man is consistently good and his graphics are excellent. Hunter HD did well by going to Xpert Productions. This song should do well and hopefully will be promoted for Trinidad and Tobago's Carnival. Trinis pass the word along and let your friends take a listen to this talented team out of Carriacou (they are your neighbors) - now let the music play and let the 'vibez' mesmerize your soul!
Please don't forget to add to the conversation - we want to get your opinion! Is this a keeper or do you want to toss it? Voice your opinion/have your say by accessing the comment feature of this Blog post (top right hand corner) and leave your remarks! No time for Kankalang and Mauvais Langue just constructive criticism!
Production Notes:
Title: Ah Ent Spoil (So Ah Dey)
Written by: Jason "Xpert" James
Performed by: Hunter HD
Produced by: Xpert Productions
Mixed & Mastered by:
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! . We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
♫Please press the music player button below to listen now (small triangle in circle).