King's Arrival (Here For The Crown) | Bunji Garlin 2014

Bunji is at it again and he has thrown down the gauntlet with a message for 2014; Bunji is "Here For The Crown" and, with prophetic sounding words, stated that it is the time of the "King's Arrival"! Well someone has to let us know what crown Bunji has his eyes on because this song, though it may be lyrically strong and combative is not the song that will  make him the anointed one! He has to start working on the music (with a serious vibe) to capture that crown that so many aspire to attain (real or proverbial).

Now, after all is said and done we are here to talk about the song and like it or not I have an opinion. I sat and listened to the song and wondered where Bunji is going with this very laid back vibe. Maybe it is just a song to announce his intentions but he is now better known  for his International hit song "Differentology" and the very popular "Carnival Tabanca". This new song does not come close to either of the previously mentioned songs. The vibe I get from this one is "Chill Mode". As a matter of fact, this is the ideal song to listen to after inhaling some of the essence of the herb... just wait for it to hit the sweet spot! I am telling you that the vibe will be just right! Yup, I meant to say that after some "Kaya" the song will indeed hit the sweet spot (now I am not encouraging anyone to go out and buy herbs.. OK). 

Am I conflicted about this song? The answer is yes! This is not Carnival music or is it? Hey, I am sure you have an opinion about the song and would like to respond to what I have said. Please use the comment feature of this blog post to voice your opinion. I will post all comments... just keep your language clean!

The song is available for purchase on iTunes at the following link: iTunes/King's Arrival/Bunji Garlin

Production Notes:
Title: King's Arrival (Here For The Crown)
Written by: Ian Alvarez & Jason Farmer
Performed by: Bunji Garlin
Produced by: Jason "J-Vibe" Farmer of J-Vibe Productions
Mixed & Mastered by: To Be Updated!

Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). No copyright infringement is intended! .  We encourage you to promote the artists and their music; please don't share the music and rob the artists of needed income!
Please press the play button (below) to listen (small triangle in circle).

Now if you love to sing along to the music and you don't know the lyrics that accompany the music then CaribKaraoke has the answer for you. Posted below is the YouTube video developed for aspiring singers like you! Now sing out to your heart's content thanks you CaribKaraoke.


Your comments can also become a Post!

Anonymous said…
What non sense is this. I am to presume this is the direction in which soca music is going...