Panorama Champs St. Lucia Carnival | Pantastic Friday 2013

Caribbean Metals Pantime Steel Orchestra won the large band category competition last night. This is their first championship in 13 years! In the small band category Harmonites completed the hat-trick and won the competition once again.

The stage was set and the excitement was there and in Saint Lucia at the Beausejour Cricket ground the sweetest segment of the Carnival took place - it was Panorama Saint Lucian style! Everyone who attended the show went to support their ban, enjoy steel pan music or simply went for the lime but everyone had their favorite band. 

Listed below are the results for both the small and large bands categories:

Small Bands Category
  1. Harmonites Steel Orchestra | Pan Passion - 248 points (repeat champs/hat-trick)
  2. Pan Ambassadors Steel Orchestra | Beh Le Lesh - 206 points
  3. St. Lucy Steel Orchestra | Kotoa Kadou - 198 points
  • Super J IGA Survivors Steel Orchestra | Carnal Knowledge
  • Phoenix Rising Steel Orchestra | Doh Watch Me
Large Bands Category
  1. Caribbean Metals Pantime Steel Orchestra | Its Pantime (arranged by Amrit Samaroo)- 279 points
  2. Courts Babonneau Steel Orchestra | Pan Instruction - 271 points
  3. Leverage North Stars Steel Orchestra | Freedom - 249 points
  • Assumption Knights Youth In Action  | Lucian Bacchanal
  • Busta Emerald Steel Orchestra | Pan In De Mas


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