Realigned Trinidad & Tobago Government Cabinet Posts

"There is no room for egos or personal agenda. Every single appointment made by me has received the full support of those selected.

Those words were spoken by the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago as she announced the names and offices assigned to the newly realigned Cabinet. The mandate remains the same... fix things and get the country on the right path! The country is nervous and not happy with the way the PP government has handled the economy. These changes come just after David Abdullah of the MSJ (Movement for Social Justice) resigned as a government senator and removed the MSJ as a partner in the government. 

The opposition PNM has already expressed their concerns regarding the appointment of Jack Warner to the post of National Security. This means that Brigadier John Sandy is gone! Here is the situation that will be discussed regarding this appoint... Mr. Warner has been placed in charge of the protective services that is currently investigating him (Mr. Warner). Do you consider this a conflict of interest?

Larry Howai (former CEO of State-owned First Citizens Bank) replaces Winston Dookeran as the Minister of Finance and the Economy. I am surprised that Winston Dookeran was removed from the Finance Ministry. Finance has always been Mr. Dookeran's forte! 

Winston Gypy Peters has been removed from the Culture Ministry and placed in Community Development. Mr. Peters, a Calypsonian, was expected to do good things for culture but has not done enough to keep that post. In his place comes Dr. Lincoln Douglas. I wish him success... he is from my hometown of Arima.

I don't think that anyone was surprised that Marlene Coudray got a Ministerial post after crossing party lines and joining up with the UNC! She has replaced the outspoken Verna St. Rose Greaves.  I wonder if those who watched her performance as Mayor of San Fernando think that she has what it takes to succeed as a Minister? 

The following is a listing of the newly appointed persons and the Ministerial portfolios they now command. 

The realigned Cabinet includes:

Minister of National Security: Jack Warner assisted by Colin Partap.

Minister of Legal Affairs: Prakash Ramadhar.

Attorney General: Anand Ramlogan.

Ministry of People and Social Development: Dr. Glenn Ramadharsingh, and Vernella Alleyne-Toppin.

Minister of Education: Dr. Tim Gopeesingh.

Minister of Housing: Dr. Roodal Moonilal.

Minister of Gender, Youth and Child Development: Marlene Coudray.

Minister of Justice: Herbert Volney.

Minister of Public Administration: Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan.

Minister of Energy: Kevin Ramnarine.

Minister of Labor, Small and Micro Enterprise Development: Errol McLeod.

Minister of Transport: Chandresh Sharma.

Minister of Sports: Anil Roberts.

Minister of Planning: Dr. Bhoe Tewarie.

Minister of Public Utilities: Nizam Baksh.

Minister of Tobago Development: Dr. Delmon Baker.

Ministry of Local Government: Dr. Suruj Rambachan, Rudranath Indarsingh.

Ministry of Works and Infrastructure: Emmanuel George, Stacy Roopnarine.

Minister of Arts and Multiculturism: Dr. Lincoln Douglas.

Minister of Health: Dr. Fuad Khan.

Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister: Rodger Samuel.

Minister of Tertiary Education: Fazal Karim.

Minister of Tourism: Stephen Cadiz.

Minister of Community Development: Winston Peters.

Ministry of Food Production: Devant Maharaj, Jairam Seemungal.

Minister of Science and Technology: Dr. Rupert Griffith.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Winston Dookeran.

Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment: Vasant Bharath.

Ministry of Environment and Water Resources: Ganga Singh and Ramona Ramdial.

Ministry of National Diversity and Social Integration: Clifton de Coteau and Embau Moheni.

Minister of Communications: Jamal Mohammed.

Minister of Finance and the Economy: Larry Howai.

Deputy Speaker: Nela Khan.

The Cabinet listing above was sourced from the Government owned C News Network.

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