Seriously speaking now... have you noticed that Rikki Jai's music has moved away from the traditional Chutney sounds and leaning more on the Soca/kaiso side with a chutney slant? Where do you put this style of music? Now everyone is aware that he is the defending Chutney Soca Monarch champion but can he use a song like "Doh Tell Nobody" in that competition... I don't think so but then again anything is possible.
The upsets have already begun, Drupatee Ramgoonai did not make it to the Savannah. In the Soca Monarch Semi Finals in Arima Shurwayne Winchester and Farmer Nappy were eliminated and the talk of conspiracy is afoot. Will Rikki Jai sing this song or will he come with something to appease the Chutney music diehards? Only time will tell however until that time you have the opportunity to listen but 'Doh Tell Nobody'! Please leave some feed back regarding Rikki Jai's singing style for this song.
Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). Lend me your ears... Enjoy!
♫ Please press the play button (below) to listen (small triangle in circle).Doh Tell Nobody - Rikki Jai