No Pay, No Play! | Drummer disrupts Antillean All Stars Performance

This was not expected and the actions of one person delayed the preliminary round of the Southern Panorama small and medium bands competition. The drummer of the Antillean All Stars took this action to protest his displeasure with the leadership of the steel band. The name of the drummer (as reported by the Trinidad Express newspaper) is Vincent Edwards and he took the action because he was owed money. The band performed without the drummer and his instruments. However, do you think that it was it a rhythm less performance?  

Think again... the rhythm was traditional, the little drummer boy walked but the music played on and received a standing ovation from the those who were at Skinner's Park, San Fernando where the competition took place.  I know this action by the drum set rhythm maker cause great despair with people venting their frustration and even anger regarding the actions of the drummer from Antillean All Stars. Do you think that he was really the problem?

OK, what he did was atrocious... he not only let down the band but the entire community because of his selfish action. However, there comes a time when one has to stand up for what one believes in. This action by the drummer will result in positive moves that would only strengthen the pan fraternity... how? Well the great error of Antillean All Stars was not being prepared for a situation like what happened. This guy walked away from his responsibility but what would have happened if he got sick and was unable to play?  I really want to know if there was a reserve drummer and if not, Why? 

Why did the drummer take such a drastic and severe action to walk away from his friends and fellow musicians just as they were about to perform on stage (in competition to qualify mind you)? From what I heard it all had to do with money. Money always creates a problem especially within the pan fraternity. For years pan player (including drummers) played because they loved being part of the Carnival excitement and playing on the big stage at the Savannah in Port-of-Spain. Recently the pan players got some money after the Carnival was done. However, some are clamoring for payment in advance. This may be such a situation. 

Out of this chaos bands have probably learnt a very valuable lesson... be prepared for the worst! The instruments in the band should belong to the band not any individual player. It has been rumoured that the drummer walked off the stage with instrument (drum pedals etc) that belonged to him. Everything should belong to the steel orchestra. Hence my reasoning that the management of Antillean All Stars are to blame for the position they found themselves in on competition night. I am aware that 99 percent of the people calling in to the radio stations want the player ostracized from the steel pan movement but think of the good that will come out of his actions. All it takes is the action of one to effect change. Love him (his mother does) or hate him (all of Trinidad) his actions will ensure that this never happens again (at least to the Antillean All Stars.

The drummer whose actions made the newspaper and was the talk on a few radio shows has already received much verbal abuse for his brazen actions. This blogger would receive the same consideration  for the thoughts expressed in this posting.

Just keep in mind that out of every adversity there is a light at the end of the rainbow... it all depends on your perspective!

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