"Mr. Afro Trini" | Lady Adana

I originally posted the draft version of this song on January 5, 2012 under the name "Africans Does Glad". However today the final mastered version was sent to me from KMPMUSICLABS and it came with a new name... the song is now titled "Mr. Afro Trini". The song has everything and is one to tell your friends about. I have changed a few things in the post. The opening paragraph, the  photo, the title of the post and the song itself... Enjoy it!
Let me just say this - this song will hit you in your stomach, it could make you cry, it will surely cause you to pause and reflect but in some circles it will cause serious pain but it is a song  that comes at the right time in the right place - our people needed this!  I believe the renaming of the song is appropriate and less jarring to some who might have taken offense to the "Glad" naming in the song title.

This song is a wicked composition with a music production that makes me think that it will surely find its way to the Savannah on Carnival Sunday night - if it doesn't it will be one of the biggest travesty to befall the Calypso fraternity. Some classic songs have fallen on deaf ears before but this one will find the correct path and hopefully will rest on fertile ground and bring the desired results of the singer/composer.

It is a difficult situation that we find ourselves in today but if Cro Cro could hit so hard as he usually does then this conversation in song that was so brilliantly written deserves a hearing. It is difficult for some people to comment on this song and not be held in contempt especially if your last name is East Indian. However my great grandfather was African so I give myself the right to comment on my people. 

I love the song and it talks about finding our dignity and this is needed across all races but it is apparent that the feeling is as such that the people of African ancestry have fallen behind to such an extent that they will walk all over each other to get their share without regard to the progress of the race. 

We need to learn respect first... respect ourselves, our neighbors and go back to a value system that will surely lead us towards an educated path which will bring success for everyone in some form or fashion. Not everyone will become a lawyer or doctor or even an electrician but each one of us will be able to walk a righteous path that will teach our children that there is always a better way to accomplish our goals. We don't have to always take the 'short cut' to finish first... sometime we have to do it the hard way... by the sweat of our brows by our hard work and staying the course. 

I applaud Lady Adana and Mr. Kenny Phillips for creating this song that will become a classic sooner than later...

Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). Lend me your ears... Enjoy!
♫ Please press the play button to listen (small triangle below).
"Mr. Afro Trini" - Lady Adana

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