Just one look and that is all that it took; you decided that she was the one. Hold on now... were you drinking when you decided that you saw heaven in her eyes? Hey it could happen to anyone and especially when you least expect it. Now talking about when you don't expect it; last night I was listening to the Antilles Riddim tracks and came to the conclusion that "In Your Eyes" by Erphaan Alves is the best song on that Riddim. Yes it is better than "Vibes Cyar Done" by Machel Montano and "Bacchanalist" by Kerwin Dubois. Well I have been wrong many times before but this is how I feel about it - it is just an opinion so don't get tizzy.
Now Mr. Kerwin Dubois has a song that was released this year (not for Carnival 2012) that is titled "Heaven In You" (in your eyes). In that song he too, saw something in the eyes just like Erphan did in his song. Well I got the idea to put these two wonderful singers and these two very good songs together for this post. I thought this was a good excuse to showcase (once again) two really sweet tracks.
So here we go again with the Erphaan Alves on the Antilles Riddim and Kerwin Dubois's super bad music style. As I always say, the music is presented here for promotional purposed only... listen and enjoy!