"You've waited long enough"....... Damn right Kirk, ah want to know what all the suspense is about? What is the Kirk and Roxanne Show? "It will be unleashed". Ok, well start the series, it is about time."Now stop being so macocious and WAIT!" Hell no... I want instant gratification but I also realize that it would make things easy if I subscribed to www.youtube.com/kirkbud or join the Facebook page-KB Productions.
Well folks I am struggling to put this post together because I really don't have much information about this pilot project. However, it looks interesting enough to post something about the show. It could very well be an online hit! Well I had the opportunity tonight to watch "Rum or Sex" and found it to be very interesting. Take a look and leave some feedback... "Be ah Maco, watch the show and tell them what you think".
Here are my thoughts - no I was not listening to Soca or Chutney!
Here are my thoughts - no I was not listening to Soca or Chutney!
Filmed in Trinidad and Tobago, The Kirk and Roxanne Show takes a look at the simple things that most of us overlook at times but are always consumed with sometimes with negative impact. Take for example the show "Rum or Sex" that peeks into a bit of race relations that permeate the society but is seen in a different light by the two main races in the society - the peoples of East Indian and African ancestry.
The African element and the East Indian element and the making of a society that is still confused and suspicious of each other after 49 years as an independent nation. A simple choice of music was seen as Soca music for sex and chutney for rum. One music lyrics is seen from the Indian perspective as promoting promiscuity while in the eyes of the African sister chutney music is seen as promoting alcoholism that could lead to broken homes. Culture could be a blessing but it all starts in the home and what children are thought. To this day we can't seem to come to terms with our identities and the fact that we are different people from different places but Trinidadian by birthright. Our cultural identities are fascinating but until we start to learn about each other we will continue like crabs in a barrel.
One can view the video and see many different things. A simple plot with a strong message. Kirk and Roxanne may have a hit on their hands. I am pleased to promote the show on Trinizagada. The Rum or Sex segment can be viewed at this YouTube Link: Rum or Sex. Kirk suggests in the final sequence of the video clip... "Yuh think Chinese or Syrians might have any music we could play?" It is interesting to note that in the end, they realized the problem but were left in puzzlement as to the answer to the problem... That is where you, the viewer is left to resolve the problem. What would it be for you Rum or Sex?
Hey did you know that Roxanne Singh is also a recording artist.... Listen