Triniglish|Trinididioms spoken and explained #77
Can you recall your childhood days? Well many of us can but so many of us do our best not to recall our youthful experiences because we consider many of the things we did silly or downright embarrassing. However, there are many things that we did that, in retrospect, were downright silly or one can even say devilish on the part of the person coaxing or inducing the other party to tryout something new.
Yuh is ah Trini | "Leh meh give yuh ah Crapo"
Can you recall your childhood days? Well many of us can but so many of us do our best not to recall our youthful experiences because we consider many of the things we did silly or downright embarrassing. However, there are many things that we did that, in retrospect, were downright silly or one can even say devilish on the part of the person coaxing or inducing the other party to tryout something new.
I can recall one experience that today I can do because it is a very silly thing but as a child (depending on your age) was considered painful, silly at times or downright devilish on the part of the person doing the deed. Do you remember someone saying to you: "Come here let me show you how to make the Crapo jump!" Some kids would simply say, "Leh meh give yuh ah Crapo". The latter was the more common term that ended up with an "ouch" and or laughter or a downrigh fight to resolve the 'joke' or perceived problem.
The Crapo would not jump but the muscle bump would hurt and travel a bit giving the impression that the crapo did jump. So what are we talking about here? OK, simply put someone would use a pinching (thumb and pointing finger) to grasp the bicep muscle and pull up and out thereby causing the muscle to contract involuntarily and create a bump that travelled down the arm. It caused pain for the recipient but some kids would do it to themselves for fun. I guess it was like, "Gosh that hurt so good - who knows!? Other cases ended up in a brawl - now that was fun to see especially if the person you did not like was on the ground getting his pwefen kicked!
The things we did as kids, "back in the day", may seem silly now but we considered them fun back then; today this would not have been possible. I am sure there are many things we did that you can recall. If you do remember a silly one leave a comment and we will highlight your experience(s) here.