Island People Mas, 2011 | Shades of the Universe

"If they are having this much fun in the camp. Wait until you hit the streets with Island People Mas in 2011." That is the caption that is emblazoned at the end of the video clip. I am featuring this YouTube video here because I think it is a 'cute' video and it also features my friend's sister is featured in the clip. She is the one who goes back inside the workshop/mas camp.

The producers of this advertisement did a good job and as you can see the costumes are going to cause eyes to focus on the young ladies in the band. However, don't expect to see the models and their fit bodies on the streets of Port-of-Spain on Carnival Monday and Tuesday... There would be some masqueraders on the streets that would make you say, "What de hell she thinking?" Then there would be those that would make you say, "Damn, she is so fine!" So remember the name of the band is "Island People" and the presentation for 2011 is "Shades of the Universe".

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