One must never underestimate a mother's love. Indeed, "Mother Trinidad" has been crying and showing her pain with showers of tears that have flooded the land of my birth. People can't understand what is taking place and are blaming past and present politicians for the malaise; this "mal yeaux" (maljo) that has brought the society to its knees. "Mother Trini" is upset and has and will continue to punish us for the pain and suffering we have brought to her bosom unless we change our ways. Having said that, we can only marvel and wonder at Trinbago's beauty... The beauty that I can reminisce about is not the same today but "Mother Trini" has opened her arms and is waiting for the peace, love and beauty of life that was once shown everyday with a simple "good morning"or "good evening" to our neighbors and people that we did not even know! We shared everything and lending a helping hand came without a price.
We have lost so much...
We have lost so much...
During my recent YouTube search, I came across a beautiful song entitled "I'll Always (Be There For You)". It was sung by Melanie Hudson and is fitting considering all the disheartening news we are getting from our homeland. The news coming out of Trinidad is heart wrenching with continuous murders and crime taking place. Some of us throw our hands in the air in despair but others pause and take note that the country of Trinidad and Tobago is still a beautiful place - Yes it is! "Mother Trini" has beckoned that all will be well again. However until that time comes, it is unfortunate that we have to live with the devil in our beloved land. Get down on your knees and prayer and in time this too shall pass...
Until then, listen to the hope that David Rudder penned in this "love song" that was so beautifully sung by Miss Melanie Hudson.