Did you know that Trinis created the art of reversing back? You didn't... Well, on the heels of reversing back, we had to become creative and mess with the American idiom "you all." If it sounds familiar, it is because you have been using it all the time, but in Trini style. The Trinididiom, aka "All-Yuh," is the flip, but with the same meaning.
Same difference, right? Damn, our manner of speech is so distinctive that it positively vibrates on an entirely different level. Now this has nothing to do with the Soca Warriors but only a warrior spirit to twist and turn anything into something new and, at the same time, give new life to an old expression. Yes, something old and something borrowed, but made to look fresh and refreshing when the lavuay comes from the tongue of a Trinidadian.
The use of "all-yuh" by a Trinidadian can become very annoying. If, for example, a person is upset or, as we like to say, 'get vex' because of a situation or, to be specific, because of something someone said or did, "all-yuh" is used to express the person's disdain. In this case, the person may remark, "All-yuh is de worse. All-yuh does do ting to get people friggin' vex!" Now, even though "all-yuh' is plural, it is used in this singular situation. At the same time, if there are others around at the time, the immediate response might go like this: "But what de tail is dis? What did I do to get blamed just' so?" Now you can see how the phrase can be abused and misused and, at the same time, cause others to become vexed because of the way you apply it. "Allyuh, Trinis, good oui!"
Yes, Trini-Glish and Trini idioms can put a smile on your face if you understand the lingo. However, if you can't, then you may not compromise and simply conclude that these people need to learn standard grammar and some basic sentences. However, if you spend some time on the islands, I guarantee you that you too will be abusing the grammar and feel good because now "Yuh know yuh is ah Trini" or at least can understand and speak the lingo.