Easy-Kai | Yuh is ah Trini

Triniglish|Trinididioms spoken and explained  #62
Yuh is ah Trini|"Easy-Kai"

If you take a good look at Trinidad politics you will find plenty to make you cringe, laugh and celebrate and even tell people that you are "PNM till yuh dead". Well when Mr. Jack Warner surveyed his territory and drew up his map to get into government he sought a vehicle to get there. That vehicle as everyone knows is the UNC. Most of the people who considered themselves "PNM till ah dead" died a figurative death when Mr. Warner adopted an "Easy-Kai" approach to right the "Sinking Ship" that Gypsy tried so hard to educate the population about so many years before. 

He saw the problems that stood in the way of the party and his ultimate goal of gaining governance of the country. He smiled and probably said to himself, "Easy-Kai". Well at least when Ram-Jack and then Kam-Jack pulled at the reigns of leadership he knew that Bas had to go and and he probably said to both Ramesh and Kamla, "Easy-Kai". The rest is history and will be part of his story as he relates how he came, he saw and he conquered the very cunning and notorious silver fox. 

No problem and very simple in thought but a task to accomplish all the same. In the end it really looked like, "Easy-Kai".

Now if you consider any task difficult you are doomed to failure before you start. However if your goal is to win, to reach the final stage with your head above the water then it is very important that you don't see obstacles in your path. If there are obstacles be not afraid to take a stand and say to yourself, "Easy-Kai" which simply means, "no problem and very simple to overcome".  

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