Triniglish|Trinididioms Spoken and Explained #35
"Mout open, tory jump out!": This is a special one and one that I love. We have a saying in Trinidad about 'giving and taking basket' and this has nothing to do with weaving anything to make a basket. It has to do with 'encouraging someone to do something' but not with good intentions. So in a case like this if the person takes the bait and speaks about "that something" that they would not have voluntarily done then in such a case 'mout open 'tory jump out.
There is another situation where a person may pretend to be a certain way or would like you to believe that they are open minded but the truth is they are very biased in their views. I for one consider myself a person who "calls a spade a spade". I like to chat in the WACK Radio shout-box and there are many acquaintances that I communicate with in that box. Some are very cool while others spew venom at times. We are all Trinidadians who come together to laugh and have a good time. However when it comes to elections, as was the case back home recently, we see some unsavory behavior that can bring about the same situation - "mout' open and 'tory jump out". I guess we also bring our old habits and attitudes with us, the ugly side of our personalities come to the surface. The conversation regarding the installation of the new Peoples Partnership in the country is interesting.
They started off with the fact that they wished the government well because they want the country to progress; then as the conversation continues "Mout' open and 'tory jump out"! This was done in classic 'Trini mauvais langue' terms with the conversation shifting in what I consider dangerous territory. They blame the former PM for the trouble the PNM found themselves in... "he shoulda go and give Rowley ah chance, they woulda still be in power". This denial continues and they turn a blind eye to the rampant corruption and mismanagement that took place.
Now all of this is done with the eventuality that the present government can't govern but is only "gallerying". Then they turn their guns to the new government and point fingers to show who is going to thief and who has something to gain as is the case with the use of private security guards to assist the police in crime detection. Already Mr. Jack Warner and his son are in a position to buy out and own just about everything in the country. It does not matter that he is proactive and is getting the job done... No no no, you see their party is out of office and as one person said in the box, "people like Warner have sold out his race" to give rise to the Caroni posse. Yes these are the very same people who want you to consider them "fren" and talk about togetherness then spew these ugly thoughts that are allowed to fester in that shout-box... what a shame!
'Yuh' see what I meant..."How dey go do dat, they cyar (should not) do dat!" Indeed this is a classic case of "Mout' open and 'tory jump out!"
'Yuh' see what I meant..."How dey go do dat, they cyar (should not) do dat!" Indeed this is a classic case of "Mout' open and 'tory jump out!"