Brouthtupsy, now don't tell me that this word isn't fitting for what is taking place in Trinidad and Tobago these days. Lawlessness prevails and society is complaining that the government is not doing the job. Maybe so but aren't we, as citizens, responsible for the manner in which we interact with each other? Now we have to discuss broughtupsy or the lack thereof. Let's make it short and sweet and include it in this "Yuh know yuh is ah Trini" series.
Ok to the point broughtupsy is like saying "manners maketh man" and it has to do with politeness and our ability to practice good etiquette within the society that we live in. Yes, we are talking about good manners and a time in Trinidad it was normal to hear people and children, in particular, saying 'good morning and good evening' when they came into contact with elders in the society that they knew. If you did not greet these individuals with respect and work got back home then 'Crapo smoke yuh pipe eh'. Yes, there was a time in Trini land when civics lessons were taught in schools and the society functioned well. Today all of that has changed.
People today have no respect for others as was the case in the past - they don't have any broughtupsy. As children growing up at home they were not taught good manners and were even encouraged to cuss people who look at them for more than three seconds, "What the f**k is your problem". It is appalling to hear these children speaking in this manner but these are the signs of the times that we live in. However, does it really have to be this way? Can we change? There is always hope and it begins with each one of us.
Think we before me and maybe then we could make a dent in this lack of brouthtupsy that is plaguing our society. If we begin to respect each other then we are on our way to a better society. Respect is the key.
Now I am aware that I did not poke any fun into the article but there is a time and place for everything. Having said that we can recall as children a very beautiful young lady passing by and the guys would soothe, whistle, or even make a feeble attempt to get her attention. When she did not respond or be all that they wanted her to be she was treated with scorn and contempt. She was ridiculed and her beauty dissipated in their foolish eyes. That act of insolence my friend is a classic case of a lack of broughtupsy.
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No Broughtupsy by Skinny Fabulous (2017 Soca)