Keep Smiling Trinidad and Tobago

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has been praised by COP leader Winston Dookeran, who thanked her for making the people of this nation smile again.
’I want to say that our honourable Prime Minister, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, deserves the highest praise from this nation and this country for bringing together such a formidable team and I am delighted to be working in her Cabinet,’ Dookeran said at an appreciation ceremony at the Centre of Excellence, Macoya, on Wednesday to thank all those who worked with the COP. As he gave thanks, Dookeran paid tribute to leaders of the People’s Partnership - Persad-Bissessar, Errol McLeod, Ashworth Jack and Makandal Daaga.
’Since the election I have never seen a society smiling so much, and for a politician this is a rather rare situation because we always meet angry people ready to want something. Now we are meeting smiling people ready to give something,’ Dookeran said.

Minister Dookeran could be correct to a certain extent and his statements could be applied to the people who supported the partnership but what about those who supported the PNM? Are they also smiling?

I have been reading the comments to articles posted online to articles written by the press and the same bitterness in raging on. I don't think that those whom are 'on the rampage' care about the successes of this new administration as much as they care about ensuring that the previous government is back in office thereby giving them a reason to feel good again. These people don't care and don't want to see the People's Partnership succeed. 

Mr. Dookeran may have been showering praises on the members of the People's Partnership because of their success at the polls.  We can also conclude that Mrs Bissessar is responsible for making many smile, but simply put most of the citizens were fed up of the previous administration's policies and brazen arrogance. 

The detractors can't see how inclusive this new government is and will continue to be; we will soon see NJAC having a voice in government - read: NJAC gets senate pick.

I guess I am also smiling and believe deep within my soul that this government will succeed and will open the eyes of the people regarding good governance. The detractors keep saying that coalitions fail and want to see this partnership fail - keep waiting because the road is paved with good intentions that are becoming government policies. 

We will smile Mr. Dookeran - just keep delivering for and on behalf of the people - be servants of the people and success will follow.

Musical Break:
This video is one of my favorite music videos and even though it has nothing to do with the article I think we can and should keep smiling. Well I simply love this song and that is enough reason to post it here so let's also take a musical break and "SMILE"

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